
Gefahr voor landlichen Raum? – Hauk criticizes Schließungen von Notfallpraxen – Wissen

Gefahr voor landlichen Raum? – Hauk criticizes Schließungen von Notfallpraxen – Wissen

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The planted Schließung weiterer Notfallpraxen in the Southwest now has an inner hall of the Landesregierung massive Kritik aus. CDU Minister Peter Hauk, who is the American statesman, told the German press agent: “Another saving of capital and a greater provision of the medical care of the country’s citizens are, for me, indisputable and not unimportant results.”

The Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg (KVBW) will further change the Zahl der Notfallpraxen in the South-West after the Information of the German Press Agency. Demnach is about 17 other Standorte. Eight Praxen hatted the KVBW in the Laufe des Jahres dauerhaft geschlossen. If the dpa is there, you can apply the rules properly, while 95 percent of the people in the southwestern interior of 30 minutes a notfallpraxis erreichen work. All others wait a maximum of 45 Minutes Fahren müssen.

Hauk befürchtet Überlastung der Kliniken

De Plane würden unweigerlich zu een nuisung der Notfallstrukturen in de Kliniken führen, critical Hauk. There may be an uninterested house that is not organized in the country. Due to the minister, it is possible that some patients and patients can no longer express their opinion about the practice of the practice, under the note of the following Krankenhauses.

“After the Krankenhausreform, the part of the country would now be more involved in medical care,” Hauk said. The KVBW-müsse is a diversification in the country. Mit der plant Schließung die infragestelt. “The tax limit is better,” says Hauk.

Health Minister Lucha soll Einschreiten

From the ministerial council, the Minister of Health Manfred Lucha (Grüne), ensured that Hauk became an Einschreiten. It is only a matter of attention for the KVBW organization and the latter, the Standorte der Notfallpraxen by operation of law. “If the responsibility for the maintenance of the environment is sufficient for the massive protection of the land, it is important that the fraction is not affected by the land itself,” said Hauk.

Ways of a supervision of the KVBW in October expire for years, the pool and pool activities in the listing practices will develop more efforts and the new Bereitschaftsdienst for new woolen wool. Poolrzte since Ärztinnen and Ärzte, die kleine Kassenzulassung, also, among other things, Mediziner, die in Krankenhaus work, the kurz for the Facharztanerkennung stehen or die bereits in Ruhestand sind.

Wenn der Hausarzt zu hat: Anlaufstelle for Patients with health care

After the KVBW, this etwa 40 Prozent der Dienste in de Notfallpraxen voluntarily übernommen. With this argument, if the loss is not compensated, the KVBW will be suspended as deutlich by the Notfallpraxen.

Der ztliche Bereitschaftsdienst is one step further, if the House of Representatives has no idea – and with a schweren Erkältung, strong Bauchschmerzen or a small Schnittwunde. There is a service under number 116117. Dorterfahren Patients and Patients, wed the last Notfallpraxis ist, at Bedarf comes with an Arzt or a Ärztin nach Hause. In Baden-Württemberg, the central Notfallpraxen häufig and Krankenhäuser angegliedert.

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