
“Eine Beleidigung!” If it’s okay, no matter how different it is, it’s been a while

“Eine Beleidigung!” If it’s okay, no matter how different it is, it’s been a while

Service is a matter of “Guten Appetit” with “First Dates”. In the VOX-Show there are such lovely Singles after their appropriate Gegenstück.

Cologne – Service is always welcome with “Good Appetit” at “First dates“. In the VOX-Show, in the lovely Singles after the right match, a young man from Bayern is at the start. And host Roland Trettl (53) is one of the two lovers.

"Your bist really fell"presents guest Roland Trettl (53, r.) at Görkems (25) Anblick fest.

“You really fell,” says guest Roland Trettl (53, right) at Görkems (25) Anblick fest. © Screenshot/Vox

For Görkem (25), the TV show is a real herausforderung. Nothing is left of the room, it is the first date at all for the Augsburger.

“I am a strong extravertier human being, direct, open, witzig – because it comes not clear”, thus the Brillenträger, der as Assistenz für Menschen mit Behinderung work.

The fact that this is not the case is more serious, a target moment is one of the reasons why I live my life.

First dates: "First dates": When Marcel says Diese Frage, Trish is completely überrascht!
First Dates – Ein Tisch für Zwei
“First Dates”: When Marcel die Frage, Trish is completely überrascht!

Roland Trettl is from Görkem’s Erscheinung baff. “You are a very good man. You really fell,” said the guest about the great man.

Der habe nach eigenen Angaben mal 150 Kilogramm weighed, mittlerweile 40 Kilo abgepeckt. “I have not lived well, I have not lived in the Kameralinse.” That “little Bäuchlein” sei noch da – “everything seems stiff”, laughs the 25-year-old.

Roland Trettl thinks Görkem's Kette is hot.

Roland Trettl thinks Görkem’s Kette is hot. © Screenshot/Vox

First dates: Dass Justin Görkem on 28 days, is “a policy”

Görkem (r.) cares about both, with Justin's wishes.

Görkem (r.) cares about both, with Justin’s wishes. © Screenshot/Vox

Sein Datepartner is Justin (25) from Munich – and insults the complete community of Görkem, denn: “I am very shy and brauche jemanden, der mich aus meiner Komfortzone rausholt.”

The man who plays Sachbearbeiter in the Club, on the Street or on a Dating Site has never started before, “but he is on eighth Maskulinität”. Justin’s strength was that he got away.

Dass der Münchner is op 28 schätzt, sei für Görkem a ​​”Beleidigung. Das kommt fell door de Haare”, went from the 25-Jährige über signals Lichten Kopf. Aber auch Justin has a strong Geheimratsecken. Witzig: Both wollen zu einer Transplantation in die Türkei gehen – veldleicht en jijammen?

First dates: War das eines der peinlichtsten Dates bei "First dates"?
First Dates – Ein Tisch für Zwei
Is the war between the penniest dates on “First Dates”?

The Jungs do not know exactly which direction they are going – they will be there in a very short time.

“First Dates” said VOX montages until Friday from 6 PM. Bee RTL+ everything is ready for streaming.