
No barrier-free: Here is the place for visitors with a behind-the-scenes end station

No barrier-free: Here is the place for visitors with a behind-the-scenes end station

Für Menschen mit Behinderung ist dieser Weg in Kriens nicht nutzbar.

A hindered Mann ends up on a non-barrier-free Fussweg in Kriens, no longer. If you are on Facebook, it is a matter of time before you visit the city of Kriens.

I’m happy with the lead actor not playing in the Spital. Inzwischen, the Krienser is on its way in the city. The Fort Movement in the signaler Wohngemeinde is a blue Elektromobil. A frontal FC Basel sticker sees the fire of the football fans.

With the photos visible on Facebook, Mann is no longer a sympathizer of the Super League table lens, which has appeared on a new Fussweg in the Kriens, while the Meinung nach ohne Rücksicht op de Barrierefreiheit is stellt wurde.

Facebook commenters react hämisch

But the comments below the beitrag contain critical experiences and setbacks. “I feel sorry for myself, I was lost with my travel number. Sie sind ein Mofa!», schnauzt in een Facebook-Nutzer en. De Krienser checks whether there is a fair situation. “That is a Rollstuhl with Hilfsmotor, the number is freely solved,” he replied.

Another commenter knows that it is not the case that there is a barrier-free path, the Krienser with hindered statistics that are only useful.

“Solche Reaktionen sind in social media leader nicht üblich,” says Daniela Brock. You can contact Pro Infirmis, the Fachorganisation für Menschen mit Behinderungen, in the Kommunikationsabteilung. “Building projects could start – unless the barrier is affected – discussions could be had,” reaching Brock fortress. You can view the discussions of the Spannungsfeld der Gesellschaft at Thema Inklusion broader mirrors.

City Kriens clear, although the road is not barrier-free

Zentralplus hat at the city Kriens-nachgefragt, ob sie vom non barrier-free Fussweg Kenntnis hat. Mediensprecher Benedikt Other erklärt, the photos can be displayed on a Baustelle and the Rengglochstrasse. This was closed for the first time in the summer of 2025. «Eine Beurteilung der Gesamtsituation sollte first danach ergolgen.»

I see Daniela Brock differently. Although it is a man who faces a disability, barrier-free operation in construction will no longer be enough to achieve a problem. Do this during temporary storage. If you no longer have any problem, you can get a better signal if you want to reach an alternative that is barrier-free. “Whoever is at autoverkehr, can purchase the Ausschilderung a kurzzeitigen Umleitungsroute here Abhilfe”, so Brocks Vorschlag.

No barrier freedom on hiking trails

If you look at the photos of the Kriensers, there is no longer any obstacle to taking a different path, after the best immunization has been carried out, another Benedikt is another. Obschon bei der Erstellung von Wanderwegen that barrier-free height no longer became on the beach, sets other in Aussicht, because of the Absatz than the Deckbelags was absent.

This post is on a closed road, and there is a commenter on Facebook. “That road is to read a stelle, and runs a meter further.” It became so that it was a fact that the nuts with Rollstuhl property were used.

Here is the terminal station for the Krienser FCB fan and its electric mobile. (Photo: Screenshot: Facebook)

The Kriensers’ frustration with inconvenience can lead Daniela Brock through the parallel path of exhaustion. “Whoever writes the city is now one meter away from the new road,” said. Allerdings stelle dieser a meter weigh der grünfläche for persons with Hilfsmitteln whom a roller stuhl a barrier dar. “The person may no longer have any wind, but he will go the way to the Gabelung and take a different route,” Brock said. Ihr Fazit: “It’s a matter of eating and drinking for Unmut.”

Spoiled Quellen

  • Written Austausch mit Benedikt Anders, Mediensprecher der Stadt Kriens
  • Written Austausch with Daniela Brock, Mediensprecherin von Pro Infirmis
  • Facebook Beitrag eines Kriensers