
Experience who doesn’t: The Preisträger of the new ORF AWARDS

Experience who doesn’t: The Preisträger of the new ORF AWARDS


The ORF AWARDS were opened on October 15, 2024 at the ORF Mediencampus of the ORF Enterprise first in the three categories “GESEHEN”. “GEHÖRT” and “GEKLICKT” are lost. Erste Bank und Sparkasse, Jung von Matt Donau, Wavemaker und Blautöne können in alle Kagorien-punkt.

The ORF AWARDS are one of the best Stellenwert in the industry. If an award is given for the Kommunikationslandschaft, no Leistungen has been awarded, but the vorbildliche Zusammenarbeit von Auftraggebern, Kreativ- und Mediaagenturen as well as Produktionsfirmen. For 25 years, the anniversary years are focused on the ORF-Enterprise that were completed in those years, new and presented in the three categories “GESEHEN”, “GEHÖRT” and “GEKLICKT”. This award is now a major award, which the team offers for renewed follow-up in all ORF media services. The Vorgänger Awards ORF-TOP SPOT, ORF-WERBEHAHN and ORF-ONWARD are celebrated with the anniversary of the ORF-Vermarktungstochter in the deserved Ruhestand.

With the new completion of the ORF AWARDS, the ORF Enterprise is starting the digital transformation of the öffentlich-legal ORF recognition, with the start of the new streaming platform ORF ON in those few years German Fahrt-aufnahm. For an online offer from the ORF-Enterprise with the new streaming platform for market distribution: longer periods, online-only and online-first productions, which do not require more content, such as linear live TV and an attractive quality for fantastic werbeerfollowage .

Previously, the preisträger lasted a new trophy with nach Hause Nehmen, which was overreicht in the Würdigung for the excellent Zusammenarbeit as a Team.

Start in the Zukunft der Bewegtbildvermarktung

“Content for all’ is the Motto, under the ORF the coming Programmjahr gestelt hat. It is no longer possible to use a Selbstverständnis. Jews Tag nuts 81 Prozent der österreichischen Bevölkerung the Program of the ORF. The ORF has reached the potential for a major problem in Europe, while it is still young. For these major releases it is possible to use a new tag, it is the best and most likely program with information, culture, sports and radio broadcasts, online, and on a new streaming platform ORF ON. Damit beets are living in the eastern region with great pleasure and a rich environment, with the best possible home environment. I am grateful to the name of the ORF that all working partners and partners for the slow cooperation and gratitude to all preisträgerinnen and -trägern ensure that all are nominated for inspiring work!”, said ORF General Director Roland Weißmann.

“With the new streaming platform ORF OP you start the ORF-Enterprise that supports the Bewegtbildvermarktung-Eingeläutet. The digitalization scale of the ORF-Enterprise with the new design of the ORF-AWARDS ab. The ORF AWARDS are mainly aimed at renewed werbierfollow, the herald teams of Auftraggeberinnen and Auftraggebern, Kreativ- and Mediaagenturen ensure production companies in high quality of the ORF media on all devices and in all usage situations. On 25. The anniversary of the ORF-Enterprise is a Freude, who works with the credit industry in the industry, in the growth and development of the middle class of the ‘ORF for all’ who will follow the backing as the campaign continues. The ORF-Enterprise is grateful to all the preisträgerinnen and preisträgern, the herausragende team work and fantastic werbeerfollowage in the ORF-Mediterranean glänzen, herzlich!”, says ORF-Enterprise CEO Oliver Böhm.

Die Abräumer des Abends: Erste Bank and Sparkasse with Jung von Matt Donau and Wavemaker an der Spitze

As one of the best institutions, the first bank and the Sparkasse can win a shortlist of prizes, in all three categories punkts and such gems with Jung von Matt Donau, Wavemaker and Blautöne zheimal Bronze and einmal Gold. The Heritage Team of Erste Bank and Sparkasse is active as production company Das Rund, Blautöne and White House Music (Category “GESEHEN”), Budde Music Austria and Blautöne (Category “GEHÖRT”) so that Zauberberg Productions and Blautöne (Category “GEKLICKT”) are found .

The Jurorinnen and Jurors of the ORF AWARDS 2024

In the “GEHÖRT” category, jury members Claudia Anders (Rewe International), Nicole Artner (UM Panmedia), Andrea Barschdorf-Hager (Care), Sibylle Blümel (Wavemaker), Eva Böhm (MG Sound), Thomas Bokesz (IPG Mediabrands), Roman Breithofer (Media 1), Andreas Cieslar (Donau Versicherung), Anita Elöpataki (Volvo), Walter Fink (Sky), Christina Fuchsberger (Porsche Media & Creative), Gertrude Gugerell (Hervis), Olivia Harrer (Museum für angewandte Kunst), David Jaffe (Ikea), Clemens Kloss (Tic-Music), Maja Kölich (Erste Bank und Sparkasse), Clemens Marx (Marx Tonkombinat Arbeitergasse), Nicolas Ritzinger (Porsche), Millad Shahini (Allianz Elementar), Ines Schiemann (Blautöne), Karin Seywald-Czihak (ÖBB-Werbung), Lukas Spielvogel (Cosmix) and Matthias Wondrak (Soundfeiler).

See the best Display-Werbemittel in entschieden Alexander Binder (Drei), Charlotte Braunstorfer (Eduscho), Inez Czerny (Media 1), Jana David-Wiedemann (BBDO Wien), Diego del Pozo (Tunnel23), Mariusz Jan Demner (DMB.), Markus Geyer (Bipa), Michael Grafenberger (Artworx), Gerhard Günther (Digitalsunray Media), Leopold Hamidi-Grübl (Mindshare), Ronald Hochmayer (Mediaplus Austria), Marc Kobza (KTHE Team Farner), Maria Laubreiter (Maresi), Jürgen Lenzeder (Porsche), Nina Mack (Magenta Telekom), John Oakley (Ikea), Dieter Pivrnec (GGK Mullenlowe), Elisabeth Spenger (Erste Bank and Sparkasse), Mirko Popofsits (Wavemaker), Claudia Sporer-Goshtai ( A1), Thomas Tatzl (DDB Wien), Sabine Toifl (Wiener Städtische), Birgit Weidinger (OMD) and Viktoria Zischka (Billa).

See the best display spots in ORF-Fernsehen, in and on ORF ON urteilten in the category “GESEHEN” Ursula Arnold (Mindshare), Lena Artes (Mediaplus Austria), Marcello Demner (DMB.), Thomas Diesenberger (Porsche ), Sonja Dirnböck (McDonald’s), Michael Göls (Havas Village Vienna), Helene Gruber (Porsche Media & Creative), Marco Harfmann (A1), Christian Hellinger (Wien Nord Serviceplan), Raffaela Hinterreiter (Reichl und Partner), Michael Kapfer ( GGK Mullenlowe), Rudi Kobza (KTHE Team Farner), Patrick Krickl (Media 1), Thomas Mayer (PPM Next), Christine Muthenthaler-Sipek (Agrarmarkt Austria), Alina Punz (OMD), Bettina Schuckert (Dentsu), Andreas Spielvogel ( DDB Wien), Rita-Maria Spielvogel (BBDO Wien), Andreas Vretscha (Group M), and Günther Weninger (Erste Bank and Sparkasse).

The award ceremony of the ORF AWARDS in the “GESEHEN” category

Auftraggeber: McDonald’s
Title: Sorry Mom
Kreativagentur: DDB Wien
Media agency: OMD
Production: Mel P Film Productions

Auftraggeber: Wiener Zucker (Agrana)
Title: Nachbars Marillen
Kreativagentur: BBDO Wien
Media agency: UM Pandmedia
Production: Chelsy; Cosmix Media & Massive Music Amsterdam

Auftraggeber: Erste Bank und Sparkasse
Title: Der Schattenspringer
Kreativagentur: Jung von Matt Donau
Media agency: Wavemaker
Production: Das Rund, Blautöne, White House Music

The award ceremony of the ORF AWARDS in the “GEHÖRT” category

Auftraggeber: Mömax
Title: Indebtedness letter
Kreativagentur: DMB.
Media agency: Media 1
Production: Tic-Music Tonstudio

Auftraggeber: Wiener Städtische Versicherung
Title: Einhornfarm
Kreativagentur: DMB.
Media agency: Wavemaker
Production: MG Sound Studios

Auftraggeber: Erste Bank und Sparkasse
Title: Der Anhalter
Kreativagentur: Jung von Matt Donau
Media agency: Wavemaker
Production: Budde Music Austria; Blautone

The award ceremony of the ORF AWARDS in the “CLICKED” category

Auftraggeber: Erste Bank und Sparkasse
Title: George Business
Kreativagentur: Jung von Matt Donau
Media agency: Wavemaker
Production: Zauberberg Productions; Blautone

Auftraggeber: Billa
Title: Billa Biobeats
Kreativagentur: BBDO Wien, Lwnd
Media agency: Mindshare
Production: Lwnd; Badger Rund

Auftraggeber: Swarovski Crystal Worlds
Title: Swarovski Crystal Worlds Summer Campaign
Kreativagentur: Artworx
Media agency: Artworx
Production: Artworx
Go to the ORF Enterprise

If the ORF marketplace is the ORF-Enterprise exclusive to the marketplace, it is a regional mid-tier of the most successful mid-tier market. The Portfolio is one of the other four Fernsehsender (ORF 1, ORF 2, ORF III Kultur und Information, ORF SPORT +), three national Radiosender (Ö1, Hitradio Ö3, radio FM4), the Printmagazine ORF nachlese, the combined Digital-Angebot on ORF .at, the streaming platform ORF ON and the ORF TELETEXT. Im Geschäftsbereich Content Sales International und Licensing alswie Medienkooperationen nicht Content und Marken des ORF weltweit lizenziert. The ORF-Enterprise is committed to the ORF-Enterprise music industry, which has its own Platten label. The Unternehmen is the national representation of international Creativfestivals at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and the election of the national Auszeichnung ORF-AWARDS. The Geschäftsführung was compiled by Oliver Böhm (CEO, Werbevermarktung, Contentverwertung) and Heinz Mosser (CFO, Finanzen en Administration, Musikverlag & Label, Beeld & Geluid, ORF nachlese) together. The ORF-Enterprise is one of the 100 percent of ORF Mediterranean companies. Learn more about, and

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