
Krimi bis Reiseführer: 3 lesenswerte Bücher von Martin Becker in Tschechien

Krimi bis Reiseführer: 3 lesenswerte Bücher von Martin Becker in Tschechien

Fast, clean, Czech writer

In his novel, Martin Becker says that he has qualities that became his written scribes: a penchant for melancholy and a bestowed, lively humor. In “Die Schatten in Prague” she said that they were beispielsweise in wittzten Dialogues. If Mordfall des Romans is neither for the Police at Tatort, please note the inspector’s guidance: “You can’t be bothered by the quicker as we are, but you can read more about it. Demnächst begehen sie noch self Morde, dammit sie als Erster darüber messages können .”

Angaben zum Buch
Martin Becker/Tabea Soergel:
“Die Schatten von Praag. Kischs erster Fall”
Erscheint am 16. October 2024 in Kanon Verlag
260 Seiten, gebünden
ISBN: 978-3-98568-124-2
24 Euros

“Gebrauchsanweisung für Prag und Tschechien”: A special traveler

Wer das Prag über das Year 1910 was the cover of Martin Becker’s “Gebrauchsanweisung für Prag und Tschechien” grifen. You will find that you have a great view of the city and the country along with the tourist routes along the way: you can visit the city in the first place in Prague working area Žižkov, and also in the Altvatergebirge or in the industrial city of Ostrava, which in 20. Years is like the “Stahlherz” “der dammaligen Tschechoslovakei galt.

Angaben zum Buch
Martin Becker:
“Gebrauchsanweisung for Prague and the Czech Republic”
Piper, 2016
224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-492-27675-7

“Warten auf Kafka”: Reading Einführung in Czech Literature

And one more tip: Martin Becker has written a book in Czech literature. If you have a book “Warten auf Kafka” in hand, you can gain a new perspective on the country and its literature – and in the form of a kneipentour. Becker titles his book fittingly as literary Seelenkunde. Do you have a question about the Czech Seele näher as a beer in a kneipe?

Auf der Kneipentour dürfen de großen Namen der tschechischen Literature nicht fehlen: Milan Kundera etwa, von dem Becker said, there is how my melancholy arose, nor before there was a einziges Mal in Prague. After the writer Jaroslav Hašek, through Roman times, the “brave Soldiers Schwejk” was moved, kommt vor. When Lenka Reinerov died in 2008, he died as a man of letters of German literature in Prague and with Egon Erwin Kisch before war.

Angaben zum Buch
Martin Becker:
“Warten auf Kafka. A literary Seelenkunde Tschechiens”
Luchterhand, 2019
224 pages
ISBN: 978-3-630-87576-7

Editorial Editing: Valentina Prljic