
Long Covid and ME/CFS Center in Vienna soll Wissen bündeln

Long Covid and ME/CFS Center in Vienna soll Wissen bündeln

From the medical university in September, a new referral channel for post-covid post-viral syndrome or ME/CFS has emerged as a “multiplier” for the disease and the care used by the healthcare system. There are in that Bereich Aufholbedarf, concrete the Zentrumsleiterinnen Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber and Kathryn Hoffmann in APA-Gespräch. Beratend zur Seite stehen became the center of the ongoing Schaffung von Betroffen-Behandlungsstellen in the whole of Austria.

The soul of the Centers, which function as the Knowledge Hub and not as patient treatment institutions, are (inter)national knowledge of the disease that causes viral infections, together, absorb and ensure their Verfügung zu set. It is an Aus- en Fortbildung of Ärztinnen and Ärzten bzw. Health benefits, including information about the treatment of patients and patients. Planted since Webinare, Schulungen and Symposien bzw. der Ausbau von bereits bestehenden Angeboten, so Hoffmann.

Untersmayr-Elsenhuber said that the theme was only in the passing of the years in the Medizin-Studium forkam: “Wir gehen natürlich in dem Bereich von einem Wissensdefizit aus. That is still the case, was man aufholen muss, weil der Bedarf ainfach so large has become,” says that the Corona virus is strongly affected and will be further affected.

One of the forms of ME/CFS has affected 80,000 people in Austria since reaching international highs. 60 Prozent davon since zumindest teilweise workunfähig, 25 Prozent haus- oder bettgebunden, so Hoffmann. The infection syndrome was no longer caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection (here by mild infection), but by other infections, and the flu or an Epstein-Barr virus infection. “It is a new Viren, which will come one day, and West-Nil-Fieber,” said Untersmayr-Elsenhuber. It’s not that this is a problem, but man is not good at dating.

Nachdem de Problematik der Langzeitfolgen wie Long-bzw. After Covid and the form of ME/CFS were still visible in the Corona pandemic, Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Grüne) was able to compete with a national referendum in November. By mid-September, the Medical Universität Wien – after an EU-weiten Vergabeverfahren – would be with the same betrieb desselben beauftragt. The introduction has been financed for three years. Angesiedelt is the Center for Public Health (Abteilung for Primary Care Medicine) and is a Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology of the MedUni Wien.

Also ensure that those affected at Hoffmann and Untersmayr-Elsenhub carry out a special analysis for the treatment of those affected. If you end up in Österreich here in the Bundesländer, you can’t lie anymore before you do that.

The referenzz center was at the Umsetzung that the expansion of the results of the existing stakeholder – one of the fehler van vermeiden, who etwa was at the long-Covid-Ambulanzent-passion, said Hoffmann: These were with a single medical Fachgebiet bund, was so aber doesn’t work. If there is a problem, it is not that it takes more effort to put the zippers and health features together. If there is a spread of the Ärzte, this is the reference reference center.

There are large numbers of people, the new center can carry out interdistribution, concrete in Untersmayr-Elsenhuber. The expertise of “whose medicinal products” is “nicht nur der Arzt, der gefragt ist, especially ist genauso der Physiotherapist, is genauso de Pflegewissenschaft”. Either way, it’s about caring for patients and patients. If you are looking for a “completely new” product, one of the consequences of a problem (a light and geräuschempfindlichkeit) or the note from the schwerer’s house is affected, if you get the chance to have a​​ settlement institution to be dealt with in order to be able to resolve the matter.

The fragment of the Wissensbündelung and its mitt have all disappeared, the theme is complex and the moment this is intertwined again in the Forschung. Die mache es schwer, den Überblick zu bewahren, so Untersmayr-Elsenhuber.

For the patients and patients, immunology is aware of the research Forschungstätigkeit einen Hoffnungsschimmer: “Man can be absolutely positive: Es gibt – ua auch in Amerika – wirklich groß angelegte Studyn, wo fell Geld in die Hand genommen, wo versucht wird, nicht nur symptomatic, sonden kurativ einzugreifen.” Geforscht became one of the Berliner Charité and the Entfernung of Antikörpern from the Körper, in the USA it is Ansätze, with antiviral drugs or with monoclonal Antikörpern that remain persistent Viren vorzugehen. If you do a study on your drug use, the results will end up “off label”, which will be conducted in Sweden.

The immune system is not protected against the disease mechanism in all patients. “The patient is one of the mechanisms of illness that is not working. If all is well, there is a therapy regimen that is not suitable for all appropriate things.” It became a man who had parallel problems, one of many things you could do.

For Austria, we would like to know more about our expertise in further research. The establishment of the biobank for research on ME/CFS patients and patients and its own institute is one of the private We&Me-Stiftung of the Ströck Family funding. Blut-, Speichel-, Urin- und Stuhlproben were combined, the Biobank is international with other Biobanks networked, was for such studies of Zugriff auf Proben- and Datenmaterial engroßert.

This also applies to the fact that the subject of the theme is no longer a health concern, but is part of the common good. “It is not always a matter of job satisfaction,” said Untersmayr-Elsenhuber. In recent years it has become true that “unfortunately the bezüglich-consciousness, bezüglich Öffentlichkeitsaufklärung” could be.

While they go together, both experts are a little more on the theme prevention, they go up to date with the corona welle, which shows the data of the Abwasser monitoring at their place of employment (called ). Diebezüglich würden die üblichen Empfehlungen weiterhin gelten: “Saubere Luft in Innenräumen, Masken, impfen, krank zu Hause bleiben, ausreichend Schonung”, so Hoffmann. The problem is that there is no problem with joint communication, but it is “not possible to prevent the disease due to the strong stresses during a long and prolonged infection while the computer is removed” – and the Wirtschaft dies from “deut lich spürt”.

Hoffmann realizes that the disease has been affected by COVID and ME/CFS for a long time, can cause a serious infection, but dies in about 80 years. It is a fear of the consequences of a particular sale. If you are ever a German, you can cumulate the risks for organ damage in the post-viral syndrome.

The treatment of medicine after curing Annahme, post-viral syndrome in ME/CFS has enormous scope, allowing Untersmayr-Elsenhuber to reach a larger number of people. “That is useful, who ever, wenn man who knows Mechanisms”, so Untersmayr-Elsenhuber zu derartigen Ansichten. “The results of the changes can be heard. We can understand this in the Zwischenzeit right, that is the biological relationship in the short term.” If you know that it is “a Vielzahl von Erkrankungen” in the Medizinhistorie, “you die in the Bereich van de Psychiatrie schoben wurden, then the mechanism can be activated”. All kinds of cases of depressive or depressive conditions can be the best psychiatric conditions, which are often treated quite, because they are.