
The ICPO Foundation supports a grant from the global “Radiopharmaceutical Trial Finder” found by WARMTH and

The ICPO Foundation supports a grant from the global “Radiopharmaceutical Trial Finder” found by WARMTH and

This bahnbrechende, KI-stützte Tool for global study will take place at the EANM-Kongress 2024 in Hamburg from October 20 to 22, 2024.

16. October 2024 – Wiesbaden, Deutschland and Zurich, Switzerland. Radiopharmaceuticals, a rapid medical treatment, are revolutionizing patient care through innovative and award-winning diagnostic and therapeutic treatments. The enormous possibilities of this article are based on the rapid fortification and the complicated lying science concept of a herausforderung, with its standard weiterentwickelnden radiopharmaceutical research-schritt zu stop. One of these achievements is that WARMTH (World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy) and have jointly developed a new artistic, AI-driven global platform for radiopharmaceutical studies with the ICPO Foundation. The introduction of the “Radiopharmaceutical Trial Finder” will take place with a live demo presented at the renowned Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) 2024 at ICPO Foundation-Stand S33 in Halle H, from October 20 to 22, 2024.

The Study Finder Tool combines’s powerful technology with data-clearing clinical trials from WARMTH, the ICPO Foundation and the extensive radiopharmaceutical experts. Innerhalb few minutes can find patients and their relevant radiopharmaceutical studies for their specific situation. By researching and practicing the active field of study, new trends and trends can be identified, a global cooperation can be brought to market. While patient care by patients, research and research go to these bahnbrechende platforms, erasing care and beschlending care, an innovative way of acting on the market that they bring.

The “Radiopharmaceutical Trial Finder” highlights a global study in any clinical trials. Genuine study information comes from, ISRCTN, SAKK and ANZCTR Study Registries, and will no longer be repeated. The fortschrittliche KI-gestützte such function is light in patients, Ärzten und Forschern, Radiopharmazeutika-Studien nach Indication, Radionuklid, Ziel, Strahlungsart and more such studies. The study finder is useful with an extensive database of clinical studies on international cross-border studies, where patients, relevant clinical studies are found and medical data is found.

The team consists of the scientists of the platform and the search for the Pioneer Projects with thanks to: Dr. Cathy Cutler, Dr. Andrew Scott, Dr. Ken Herrmann, Dr. Michael Hofman, Dr. Kalevi Kairemo, Dr. Elcin Zan, Dr. Masha Maharaj and Bonnie Clarke.

Josh Mailman, Voorstandsmitglied von WARMTHstatement: “A single platform has been extensively modified to ensure that clinical studies have been thoroughly updated, so that the care for patients will continue to grow without further effort.”

Danielle Ralic, CEO of Ancora.aiComments on the innovative project: “Dieses Tool proposes a bedeuten Fortschritt for the Radiopharmaceutika-Community there. Our view is that the barriers to research into the study and the pace of innovation in the sense that there must be a supportive approach.”

Odile Jaume, CEO of the ICPO Foundation,,The use of this scheme is one of the best results of the patient initiative, which is provided by an ICPO subsidy: „A beautender through the time that the credit patients are treated on the new world of the ganzenwelt new Hoffnung. This patient care, the international clinical core, the research and the ICPO community have developed a new tool, the patients are ready to inform and inform about their clinical studies. I think the ICPO Grant dies.”

Patients, studies and research from all regions are loaded, the “Radiopharmaceutical Trial Finder” is specialized. This global, AI-enabled tool for such clinical trials is based on research into radiopharmaceutical studies and the most important clinical trials on patients, clinical care and research, a concern for the development of innovative radiopharmaceutical treatments.

The “World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy” (WARMTH) is active in its activities. HEAT is the only welfare organization, the gründet-wurde, a treat of Radionuclide Molecular Therapy and the relatively new paradigm of the “Theranostik” in the ground. WARMTE is a voluntary, joint organization of persons, who summarize their following: (1) Development of Science and Bildung in nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceutical therapy, clinical dosimetry, treatment evaluation, radiation physics, radiation biology and radiation protection for physical health and human health . (2) Ensure proper treatment of radiotherapy during harmonization under treatment. (3) Ausbildung von Fachleuten der Nuklearmedizin im Einsatz von Radionuklid-Therapien und Unterstützung der Forschung in diesem Bereich.

Media Contact WARMTH – World Association of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Therapy
Josh Postman
Email: (email protected)

Uber’s mission champions the patient’s clinical trial so that all patients have the opportunity to treat and treat. argues that there is a barrier to such clinical trials, with cost-free, digital platforms for clinical identification of trials being erased with patients and experts. The patient center, the KI-tested platform illuminates patients and patients, relevant clinical studies within minutes of the findings, anstatt in Tagen.

Media contact
Danielle Ralic, CEO
Email: (email protected)
Tel.: +17815583152

About the ICPO Foundation
The ICPO Foundation (International Centers for Precision Oncology Foundation) is a community organization, which founded international Medizinern und Entrepreneuren nach deutschem Recht in 2019. The ICPO Foundation has a paradigm in the credit treatment of a one-size-fits-all-Ansatz with a personalization Ansatz erkannt and trägt dazu bij, the well-known patient care for radiomolecular care for the development of a diesenwalk through deterstützen. If the patient is employed, the ICPO Foundation will develop an international network physical, diagnostic and therapeutic institute for healthcare, organized in a social franchise model, based on shared know-how and making available the ‘ICPO Academy’ thus generated for Theranostics” and the standardization of design and process management, the weltweit of best clinical practice is possible. Since the ICPO Foundation zum Ziel has founded, its care will be provided to a highly graduated integrative community, which will care for its model and be able to reimburse the versprenchen of the Präzisionsonkologie, because patients are no longer dependent on the country or social status power. Erfahren See more about the ICPO Foundation at and the ICPO Academy for Theranostics at

Medienkontakt ICPO Foundation
Susanne Simon, Communications Community Lead
E-mail: (email protected)
Phone: +49 172 8666093


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