
“Haus des Döners”-Skandal: Maus in Fleisch

“Haus des Döners”-Skandal: Maus in Fleisch

Leute stehen bei de Opening einer Filiale von „Haus des Döners“ in der Schlange (l.). The photo on the right says a Maus, who sits on the Theke and is Donerfleisch.
Neuer Ekel-Skandal um “Haus des Döners”: A video from Cologne said, who nagt a Maus am Dönerfleisch. © Repro Schafflick


In a small western German city, the “Haus des Döners” is not something to think about. The large Döner Kette had an excellent stand in the joint area. If you have more branches, more sailing is a matter of course. After all, Vorwürfe mangles come up with Hygiene and Lebensmittel standards. A new Tiktok video from Cologne now brings the Imbiss-Kette into Bedrängnis.

“Haus des Döners” in Cologne: Maus nagt an Dönerfleisch

You can see the video below: One person films a guest in a “Haus des Döners” branch. If you have put a portion of doner meat in the plastic-eingewickelten-döner skewers, you can view a Maus in a fun way. If you look in the direction of the Donerfleisches, a stick sleeps, then still dies and the wind changes out of the Filmers’ field of view. If you don’t acknowledge it, you shouldn’t kümmern. Laut Recherchen des WDR wurde die Aufnahme nach Ladenschluss in een Kölner Filiale gemacht.

The video says that a Maus does not have a thunderfleisch.
The video says that a Maus does not have a thunderfleisch.© Repro Schafflick

Haus des Döners: Hygiënemängel keine Seltenheit

If you want more criticism of hygiene and living standards than the hyped Döner-Kette can be. At two NRW branches, the Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (LANUV) organized a Hygiene-Mängel fest.

Lebensmittelcontrol inspected a gastronomy of “Haus des Döners” in Düsseldorf on July 30. The following are true Mängel festgestellt: „The area, in the Salat geschnitten wurde, würdenweise durrch Schimmel veruninigt. Bearing the salats in direct contact with the moldy wand. The kitchen is very messy. Dönerspiesse wurden in Tiefkühlhaus with a freshly prepared sausage. Be careful not to damage the packaging of the skewer, soft drinks from direct contact with the messengers.”

These are the following additional functions: A label that the man no longer needs can result in the maximum low temperature being overwritten. The inspection begins on August 1, and a thorough cleaning is carried out on August 2.

Mangelhafte Hygiene standards at “Haus des Döners” in Duisburg

Ein Ableger in Duisburg was 27. June of Lebensmittelcontrols under the Lupe ministry. And here a problem arises: “A hackfleischzubereitung with soy egg white at Drehspieß was created under the irrefutable delivery „Döner” in the Traffic. (…) The Regalböden and the Regalgestell in Kühlhaus were thoroughly cleaned. There is a light button lauchsoße (laut Originalkennzeichnung at max. +7°C aufzubewahren) ohne Kühlung. The product has a core temperature of +19°C.” It will be soft in a moment. The inspection will begin at a certain time on August 13. A fresh hot water supply is installed, the palatial home in the kitchen house is cleaned again.

„Das Haus des Döners“ is op de Donnerstag (2 mei) een tweeten Dortmunder Standort. RN-reporter Tim Schulze berichtet von vor Ort. <spanklasse="copyright">© Linde</span>” loading=”lazy”/><br />
<p>The WDR confronted the “Haus des Döners” with the previous ones, which are based on the West German Radio Frequency: “The Vorfälle in Düsseldorf (…) entsprechen in keiner Weise den Standard, die wir von ourseren Franchisepartnersn. After treating the man, you responded as quickly as possible and the masses were very happy.”</p>
<p>“Haus des Döners” has, among other things, two branches in Dortmund. Am Samstag (12.10.) würde zdem eenine <span title=“Haus des Döners” branch in Bocholt open net. Make sure that the Kette can do everything for his work with the “Ein-Cent-Döner”.

Hinweis der Redaktion: Dieser Article will appear on October 14, 2024.

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