
Vor Gipfel: Minister orders consistent stadium bans

Munich (dpa) – Kurz vor dem Sicherheits-Gipfeltreffen zum deutschen Fußball fordert Bayern’s Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann an entschiedeneres von Verband, Liga und Vereinen gegen Gewalttäter. The CSU politician has the Stadium Association for the Krawallmacher or the Teilausschlüsse der Fans as possible Sanctions, which are there with the Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD), Ressortkolleginnen and -kollegen der other Länder who reason the Vertretern von DFB and DFL am Freitag in Munich .

Der Deutschen Presse-Agentur said that Herrmann would like to live in a theater and others will live in Europe and stay in Italy. “If it is so, it is so that you have received a large majority, then there is an association for the most recent Auswärts- or Heimspiele with a German reduzierten-zuschauerzahl or ohne own fans who play,” painted the active Vorsitzende der Sportministerkonferenz .

Herrmann: Warum kaum Stadionverbote in Deutschland?

“I wish I didn’t. If there are more reasons, there is war in other European states that use mass corporations. Genauso beim Thema Stadionverbote: If they are in other countries, why are they in Germany so why are they not used?», Herrmann phrased. It is good that the Vereine Stadion word «consequenter umsetzen» and that it is the first Ergebnisse at the Gipfeltreffen.

Sollte der Fußball nicht entschlossen agieren, schließt Herrmann auch Konsequenzen door de Politik nicht aus. There will be no Drohungen that are very important: “Of course politics and security management have a responsibility, that is the case with every major, open-minded reform.” Before all members of Pyrotechnik, the minister held up a large part of the business operations for the Zuschauerinnen and the Zuschauer.

Keine Einladung en Fans: CSU politician bittet a «Verstandnis»

There are fan associations and some clubs that criticize the meetings and political populism. If you argue, the theme theme is a fact and the city has really become that way. There are experts who want to assess the sentences of the future Ausschreitungen führen.

This is accomplished when the Gipfel fans are no longer charged. Dazu said to Herrmann: “If it is a Security Concept for the Stadium, then it is a bit of a challenge.” A story came up: “The Security Concept for the Oktoberfest was discussed by the Police and the Landeshauptstadt Munich, although millions of visitors would ask who it is, it is only the beginning. It is the Aufgabe von Sicherheitsbehörden.»