
VIP Start of Art Basel Paris – New name, new Ort: Kunstmesse Art Basel Paris startet – Kultur

VIP Start of Art Basel Paris – New name, new Ort: Kunstmesse Art Basel Paris startet – Kultur

Paris (dpa) – The Kunstmesse Art Basel Paris hat ihre Türen in der französischen Millionenmetropole eröffnet. “That is the bislang strongest Pariser Messe,” summarized by the international representative of Galerist Thaddaeus Ropac at the VIP Start of the Kunstmesse on the Donnerstag in the freshly renovated Grand Palais.

“Energy and resonance are being reformed,” says the Austrian Press Agency. Which Sammler, especially from America, has come.

Der Andrang in de Gagengen des splendid Grand Palais war zwei Tage vor der Publikumseröffnung groß. Entsprechend lang war the List of the Galleries bekanntgegebenen Verkäufe schon beim Start.


The White Cube Gallery has sold an Arbeit by Julie Mehretu for 9.5 Million Dollars. At David Zwirner, Josef Albers and Dana Schutz worked for $900,000 worth of jewelry at the Besitzer. Hauser & Wirth collaborated more with others, such as Mark Bradford and Louise Bourgeois, on $3.5 and $2 million jewelry.

“The quality of the work in the Messe is good”, thank you Ropac. It is the effect of the Art-Basel-Labels. Before the Art Basel with Paris after Miami Beach and Hong Kong was written a year later, the Art Basel was grounded. In 1970, the Mutter-Messe was organized in Basel as one of the largest industry events.

If the Giant Art Basel has replaced the traditions of the Messe FIAC, there will be 2022 with the new names Paris + by Art Basel. An extension course on lighter Sohlen.

Grand Palais Effect

The Art-Basel effect is displayed on the Grand-Palais effect. The Gebäude on the 19th. Years were spent with a signal over 40 meters above the glass cups on the Champs-Élysées in March 2021 for the renovation work to be completed. A Rundum Lifting, which cost 500 million euros.

Both events took place in the Grand Palais Ephémère on the Champs-de-Mars. 2023 nahmen 154 Aussteller aus 33 Ländern teil. Dieses since 195 Galeristen from 42 Ländern. Gleichzeitig finden zahlreiche qualitative high quality Ausstellungen statt.

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