
I commute with Tag 5 Stunden zum Job – but würde es nie wollen

I commute with Tag 5 Stunden zum Job – but würde es nie wollen

I commute with Tag 5 Stunden zum Job – but würde es nie wollen

Jeff Strabone is a professor at Connecticut College.
Thanks to Jeff Strabone

Jeff Strabone worked as a professor in Brooklyn at Connecticut College before his job.

Strabone has an efficient business operation, avoids car traffic and benefits for working hours.

The shuttle costs 110 US dollars (approximately 100 euros) per week, because production and the stress of pregnancy decrease.

This is a machine that contains an article from Business Insider’s US columns. There is automatic processing and a real editing assignment.

This post was based on a conversation with Jeff Strabone, an English professor from Brooklyn, New York, who commutes to New London, Connecticut. The text comes from the length and brightness of the image.

My family lived in New York City for 100 years. I have no problem with an airplane, here it is sterben. Since 20 years I have been living in Brooklyn, which I have heard.

It was so noticeable that it was a city that went from museums to restaurants with the most attractive transportation links. I didn’t have a Führerschein and it was no longer a machine. Statistics are working with the Fahrrad, if you go to the U-Bahn, a whole bunch.


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Who is Pendeln in New York and Connecticut?

In the year 2010, a couple was a professor at Connecticut College in the US Federal State. There is war with the best paintable position, which is neither in the Pendelentfernung delay.

It is a dream to work personally on campus and there are no unfocused activities (wie fakultätsitzungen) for the zoom of the meinerwohnung out.

The Entfernung van mijner Wohnung in Cobble Hill, a stadtteil in New York City, on the campus, is 209 kilometers away. When you turn on the car with your car, you can best be able to drive in the city. The Super-Pendlerweg from Bahnhof to Campus and thus creates a fun Stunden pro Tag. It is a fact that the U-Bahn and the taxi are one and the same.

My Zeitplan bundles all my courses and close two days, soft drinks and your next personal meetings or exchanges between three days after college.

I leave my accommodation at 7:30 am and go to the U-Bahn station. If you travel on the U-Bahn line to Penn Station and time, before heading to New London, Connecticut at 8:30 AM. The Fahrt dauert normaler weise inhalb Stunden and ich komme gegen 11:10 Uhr in New London and.

I will leave for a taxi and arrive at 11:40 am on campus. If all goes well, it will continue and my first class will be at 1:15 PM. My course is at the back and ends at 4pm.

At the end of the day it is a kilometer further to the Zugstation in New London, while the drivers want to avoid even more. Then I will return to Penn Station. Manchmal met ich Freunde or gehe in der Stadt aus, anstatt directly nach Hause zu gehen.


The Zahl der Menschen, which still remains destitute in the rental market.

If you want to make a rental change, this is attractive: if you use the Gründen again, you can see more people more

Der Zug ist mein Büro auf Rädern

If you see a platz in a speisewagen, that is one thing with my laptop and my best work can. On the way to New London, one of the best plans and my notification for the teaching appears. On the Heimweg you check your e-mails and correct work.

If it is allowed, when it is time to shift, it is true that we have an Arbeit zu Hause. If the car starts working with the car, where the commute time changes, it is a matter of time with the time, which a Schreibtisch sits in my office.

I don’t have any podcasts and I’m traveling with other passengers. Statistics can appeal to my own needs and my work. Der Zug doesn’t offer the best essential options. Normally it is a matter of eating or drinking and in a place where you can have a meal in a meal or a seltener, a tute of popcorn.

The commute costs me 100 Euro per week

A single ticket from Penn Station to New London normally costs 20 and 40 US dollars (€18 and 37). The Rückfahrt costs about 20 to 30 US dollars (or 18-27 euros). Buying a ticket can now cost you eight US dollars (and more than one euro).

The final taxi fare at the morning of the Zugstation in New London zum Campus plus Trinkgeld costs six US dollars (neun Euro). My Hin- and Rückfahrpreis for the U-Bahn costs 5.80 US dollars (5.30 Euro). While my costs vary, they are approximately US$110 (approximately €100) per week.

My job doesn’t have a small travel allowance, but it’s not that big. I don’t care about Job’s paths. If it isn’t already, if a car buys a car and for Benz, repair costs and the car itself needs to be replaced.


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If the commute is not relaxed or stressful

I’m looking forward to having a job as a professor. And if you are pregnant, it is your responsibility to take care of your work. Viele meiner Kollegen pendeln ebenfalls long Strecken.

If I don’t see the Pendeln as Taxung, it is my Arbeitszeit. It used to be that having a job was one of the best things, but the Akademiker didn’t have as many job options as people in other countries, unless there was a festive event, during the fall.

If the mus de mir keine Sorgen über Aggression in Straßenverkehr, Baustellen, Staus or gefährliche Fahrer on the Road to Work machen. My stress level is not as high as I want it to be. Manchmal hat der Zug Verspätung, aber das ist auch das Schlimmste, was passioneren kann.

Car manufacturers are perhaps a bit more shrewd: They are busy in Kapsel and must concentrate on the road. Selbst when Autos null Umweltverschmutzung verursachen würden, würde ich keines fahren wollen.

If there is a job in the fight, the fact is that there is power over power, but that can also be a problem. The freedom, it is a habit, if it is no longer possible, it may be that an effort is made and a productive machine is produced.

The power over the non-fahren-schärfer, attentive and energetic, sobald ich bei my Job ankomme. It is so light that it is so that it can be in the big city of the world that my computer can be used and I can live in the big city of the world.


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