
Final sprint for the great opening in few days

Final sprint for the great opening in few days

Dresden. If a large Lastkraftwagen is sold in a trip for the love of the Kaufpark, the experience is no longer long. Momentan is coordinating everything in the construction of the Einkaufszentrum in Dohnaer Straße. Although the loading was not fruitful, others were put to work first. If you only work in the Fassaden one more time, the first thing you can do is if you are lucky. Jetzt will use the Flutlicht eingesetzt, but the Fachleute will not be able to get into the spaten Abendstunden pflastern. “We lie well in my time plan, but with our words the opening will be narrower,” said Center Manager Antje Arnold. Kurt Krieger will no longer be in Kaufpark-Inhaber on October 28. On October 10 there will be a meeting with Oberbürgermeister Dirk Hilbert (FDP) and Verkehrs- and Baubürgermeister Stephan Kühn (Grüne).

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Viele czechische Besucher erwartet

Krieger hat das Eröffnungsdatum nicht ohne Grund gewählt. The Czech national holiday started on October 28 and it could be that the day off in Nachbarland Deutschland zum Einkaufen nutzen. If you are at home in the Kaufpark-Eröffnung in Tschechien, you may be able to call on the Center Manager.

Although the first knowledge stroll through the new community of centers and buy the views of the two marketplaces and that of Essen, it is still not even the case. It is possible that the normal behavior of a consumer is noticed in the first part of the Kaufparken, while the Abschnitt is now taken through a tall plasterboard wall. The new people will be used more and more often in the loading area, while others will be harmed, in a few cases where regale and wareständer aufgebaut. “It has been a while since Abnahmen, zum Beispiel zum Fireschutz” fell, said Antje Arnold. However, the Außenanlagen were not yet formed. The main event during the Eiscafé and Buffetbar Ferioli, which features a large Kristallleuchter installation. “See you soon,” said the Center Manager.

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1,000 zätzliche Parkplätze zur Eröffnung

Since there is a problem with the investigation, it is possible that the Kaufpark-Verwaltung will contact the police. Bei der Eröffnung des beste Abschnittes kamen an de ersten Tagen jeweils 45.000 Besucher. “The police started on October 28, a Traffic Service calls a center for coordination and the guest for all the paintwork Parkplätze zu lenken.”

In addition, 1,800 of the Einkaufszentrums were placed on the Einfahrt zum oberen Parkdeck im Areaal an der Tschirnhausstraße weitere 1,000 Stellplätze zur Verfügung stehen. If we have visited the city in Zelten, nor C&A, Intersport Hubner has in its Waren sales, or the Center management of the Dort-ze-interimsunterkunft. Now that we have lived everything in the new Gebäude umüzten.

60 new Mitarbeiter in TK Maxx-Filiale

In addition, another two Dresden affiliates from TK Maxx will be opened. In the loading area of ​​the electronic commerce, a new housing and foam rubber for accessories and home goods with a value of 1,800 Quadratmeter sales fläche geben, nach eigenen des Unternehmens one of 60 Prozent günstiger as the unconnected preisempfehlung. You will find more than 60 employees in the new TK Maxx branch on an Arbeitsplatz. The war starts on October 30. October is planned for October 28, but Antje Arnold starts on October 28. Begleitet became the TK Maxx-eröffnung of gewinnspielen and other promotional actions.

Actions that have installed the Schuhhändler Deichmann are new in the Kaufpark. From October 28 to November 2, hostesses are available for information and a small Kaufpark-Geschenke and die Besucher. You can use Tag Kinderaktionen and Live Music. Zwischen 12 and 18 Uhr said a Künstler signal Können at Sign Spinning. If you take a look at the time when you can take a Polaroid memory photo, you can read it. The Deichmann-Geschäft has developed a useless efficient LED lighting system, which reduces energy costs by up to 40 percent. In the history of a digital message, the Auswahl passgenauer slider was not that good.

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Fan project for Dresden Sports Clubs

Completely new in the Kaufpark is the Geschäft „Heimvorteil“, which has a merger with the great Dresden Profiklubs, one of the Fußball-Drittligisten Dynamo Dresden castles, a kräfte in Merchandising and the Vertrieb van Fanartikelenn in the bundle. The project is combined with the volleyball players of the Dresdner SC, the basketball player of the Dresden Titans, the Dresdner Eislöwen, the handball player of the HC Elbflorenz and the semi-professional football player of the Dresden Monarchs. The 95 Quadratmeter Große Ladenfläche Wurde von der Sportbetriebsgesellschaft Saegeling mbH von Uwe Saegeling, the chairman of HC Elbflorenz, who hired den Laden. The cost for the personal and personal part of the page may be part of the content.

Children’s campaign for the Opening

The two days before the big opening were made in the shopping park. From 3 p.m. it was a fact that the action brought a gruesome motif into the fall on Halloween. The Lampionumzug starts at 6 p.m. during the Außengelände des Kaufparkes, angeführt vom Dresdner Fanfarenzug. Danach gibt is extracted from the Hexenkessel. The biggest children’s karussell for the hinter entrance is first the first time an error occurs.