
Glossy look at the Paris Motor Show – the core product of SEVB to create a new chapter of globalization

PARIS, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — From October 14 to 21, Sunwoda Mobility Energy Technology Co. Ltd. (nachstehend “SEVB”) generated), a Chinese Chinese Offer from Stromversorgungsbatterien, a bedeutenden Auftritt at the Pariser Autosalon and a presentation about the most important products. Gleichzeitig feierte das Unternehmen is de 1st spatenstich und seinem Produktionsstandort in Nyíregyháza, Ungarn, en setzte damit an important Meilenstein in seiner globalen Expansion.

Mingwang Wang, Vorsitzender of the Verwaltungsrats von SEVB wrote: “Unsere Teilnahme at Pariser Autosalon said that the fun nuclear power plant of the Unternehmens: führende Technology, reformed intelligent fertigung, high quality, zuverlässige Loveferung and umfassende Serviceerfahrung für Großkunden. SEVB makes a fast 30-year battery with lithium batteries and local service without standards, a non-European battery can cause more new problems.”

SEVB presents the old Pariser Autosalon with a production traveler, which uses HEV batteries, PHEV batteries, the weltweiteführte 6C Super-Schnellladebatterie 3.0 for a highly modern Festkörper and Sodium-Ion battery.

The Dacia Spring, the von der HEV battery of the SEVB, is one of the best electrical devices in Italy, equipped and invested in France on the zweiten Platz at Verkauf von Elektrofahrzeugen. With the 6C Super-Schnellladebatterie 3.0, which started a few hours later, it could be charged to 80% SoC in just 10 minutes, the fear of charging the battery was deutsch verringert. The PHEV batteries, which can be for their Zweckmäßigkeit and their Umweltvorteile, in Europe, where the Nutzung of Elektrofahrzeugen has become langamer and the General standards that are such, a high Stellenwert.

A global strategy with Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 implemented at once, SEVB focuses on a sweet management system and works on the control of dust emissions. We start with the finalization of a “Chinese battery pass”, the domestic battery system is an international standard. We know more about the recycling of batteries.

With the latest SEVB weltweit 12 production standards. The company has established the benchmark status of “Top Tier EV Battery Cell Manufacturer” and has launched KPMG as a “Greater Bay Area New Energy Innovation Enterprise”. After SNE Research, SEVB from 2021 to 2023 in China will be the first installation of HEV batteries and the first half year of 2024 under the top of the world’s installed batteries.

In China, SEVB could focus on the global development of batteries and energy sources, a number of world-class products and services from beets.


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