
Start the new study course “Medizin Niederbayern”

Start the new study course “Medizin Niederbayern”

(ra) With the beginning of the winter semesters, the new study “Medizin Niederbayern” has started with 110 studies at the University of Regensburg, dessen zweiter, patient bezogener Ausbildungsabschnitt and several Klinikstandorten in Niederbayern stattfindet: Straubing, Deggendorf/Mainkofen, Landshut and Passau.

Zur Begrüßung der ersten Studierenden des Studiengangs „Medizin Niederbayern“ an der Universität Regensburg kamen (von linked): Klinikums-Geschäftsführer Dr. Martin Baumann, Bürgermeister Dr. Albert Solleder, Chefarzt Prof. Dr. Matthias Jacob, Chefarzt Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maier (Mitte), Chefarzt Privatdozent Dr. Stefan Grote (stellvertretender Ärztlicher Direktor, 2. von right) and Daniel Albus (Referent der Geschäftsführung, right) at the Uni Regensburg. – Photo: Klinikum St. Elisabeth/Julia Dragan

Review of the Semester beginnings at the Montag nutzte auch the Klinikum St. Elisabeth die Occasion, with the Studierenden in der Universität Regensburg and an Infostand ins Gespräch zu kommen and seine Besonderheiten as veldfach ausgezeichnetes Lehrkrankenhaus of TU Munich for the new Medizincampus Niederbayern (MCN) reformed. In Anwesenheit zahlreicher Gäste aus Wissenschaft, Politik und de Partnerinstitutionen marks the Veranstaltung one of the most important companies in the Medizinische Ausbildung in the Region.

Klinikums-Geschäftsführer Dr. Martin Baumann sees the innovative collaborative project as one of the most important solutions for healthcare and says: “We will use part of the Medizincampus in Lower Bavaria and the best Medizinerinnen and Mediziner who use it Studium Mitzugestalten.”Die Universität Regensburg The Universität Passau has eight Krankenhäuser in the Deggendorf, Landshut, Straubing and Passau region who work together with other partners of the Medizinstudium in the Medizincampus Lower Bavaria in the region. At the end of 2027, the first studies of the “Medizin Niederbayern” for your clinical medicine 7. to 10. Semester is practical year in 11. and 12. Semester and the Klinikstandorten have started. In the full study, a study of 75 in Straubing was conducted.

The research at the Klinikum Straubing has clinical professors in the training: Cardiology and Angiology; Orthopedics, Unfall and Hand Surgery; Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde; Urology; Anästhesiologie, Operative Intensivmedizin and Schmerzmedizin. The Fächer Neck-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde and Urology were now taught at Standort Straubing. A Lehrexport follows from the Klinikums St. Elisabeth and all other Standorte. Based on the regular curriculum, the best possible, theoretically learned knowledge in the Klinikum St. Elisabeth by Famulaturen und Praktika zu vertiefen, said the Director Prof. Dr. Norbert Weigert die Studierenden ein.

The first semester was spent standing next to social and leisure activities in Straubing. 32 modern student residences were built directly on the new campus, which was oriented towards the northern Bauweise. Klinikum St. Elisabeth and the Universitätsstadt Straubing are a strong partner of healthcare in the region. The city with Herz can cause many turbulent living and accommodation costs, rich culture bones and nature with Danube and the Bavarian Forest, which guarantee a number of study returns.