
Feuerwehr: Zahl der Feuerwehrfrauen in 25 Jahren meer als vervierfacht

Feuerwehr: Zahl der Feuerwehrfrauen in 25 Jahren meer als vervierfacht

The Zahl der Feuerwehrfrauen in Baden-Württemberg has quadrupled its hours of fighting over the 25 years from 1,951 to 8,798. The hinges are the debts of all business women and men in the country, which the Ministers of the Interior have now increased fourfold to 115,440.

During the Jugendfeuerwehren betrage der Zuwachs since 1999 round 51 Prozent – the Zahl stieg auf 37,662 Kinder and Jugendliche. Davon sees 17.7 Prozent Mädchen.

“They have increased their strength in the fire department and are happy with their arrival, and they are encouraging me during their stay,” said Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) to the Versammlung des Landesfeuerwehrverbands in Sinsheim (Rhine-Neckar). -Kreis). Please follow the follow-up of President Frank Knödler after 25 years of his life.