
News from Israel and Gaza: Israel Regierung: Drohnenangriff galt Netanyahu – Politik

News from Israel and Gaza: Israel Regierung: Drohnenangriff galt Netanyahu – Politik

Experts: Nächster Hamas-Chef dürfte Nähe zu Iran suchen

More experts quit the war, while in Qatar the Hamas has sent Chalil al-Hajja to Nachfolger to help the Jahia Sinwar. If the Hamas influx started after an Iran war, the country could be the largest outflow in the next phase of the Krieges. Al-Hajja has had a Freitag in the history of Reason, in its own name in the Hamas zum Tod Sinwars. Darin deutete is a, that is the most commissioner of the Führungsrolle-übernehmen würde.

Ghaith al-Omari and Neomi Neumann of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy wrote: ‘The last Anführer will be able to bring about security during the Führungskreis der Bewegung in Doha.’ Sollte es auf al-Hajja hinauslaufen, die ‘wahrscheinlich versuchen, Sinwars Weg sowohl an der Kriegsfront im Gazastreifen as in der Nahe zum Iran fortzusezen”.

Watch the European Leadership Network’s director of politics and currents, Jane Kinninmont, follow the Hajja for a follow-up. That’s what you live in Doha, so you can see it in a soul like Sinwar. “It’s okay with me, you can live with them,” he said. “Heutzutage kann man nichts mehr ausschließen, aber ich glaube nicht, dass Israel einen Führer in Qatar würde.”

Jordanian Wissenschaftler Hassan Abu Haniyeh said that now that Hamas was founded by the Flügels, “the Iran would follow up and meet directly with its sister.” There are many reports that Hamas al-Hajja has not been identified as an officially nominated candidate, but it is not that he sees his power.