
The sorting is separated: Welche Apfel sorts are subordinate to each other

The sorting is separated: Welche Apfel sorts are subordinate to each other

Other applications are no longer a simple way of weighing, but also weighing in the form of a healthy lifestyle. This can have a major impact on the amount of anteil and polyphenol in other applications.

Polyphenol is an aromatic compound found primarily in or directly beneath the application. Part of the BUND-Gruppe Lemgo in collaboration with the Berlin Charity Allergy Center, such as polyphenolgenehalt in other applications, has a high polyphenol concentration that promotes the functioning of the body, but there are many people with an apple allergy in other applications that can cause problems cause. If you research the study, if you are allergic, it is common to have a serious problem. If there are serious problems with an apple allergy.

In other applications more polyphenol is present, the modern sorting is being taken into account. Polyphenol is a normal component of the fruit, which pays off on the browning of the apples. Zwar has found a solution to the vermeintliche problem that is an unattractive option, instead of the healthy effect of polyphenol in the device.