
Sport am Sonntag has more than 200 Krankheiten vor

Sport am Sonntag has more than 200 Krankheiten vor

  1. Rosenheim24-de
  2. Health

A person now moves in Wednesday. This group has a good feeling: one of the athletes in the right place has taken risks for diabetes and depression.

If you are versed in sports or sports now, that is basically it. Zu diesem Ergebnis comes American-American Forschende. Following an intensive training can provide an intensive training and training during the regular training during the most intensive training sessions. If all is well with the risks, the illness can be managed without any consequences, sofern das von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation empfohlene Wochenpensum become better. It takes 150 minutes or 75 minutes of intensive physical activity.

Sports in everyday life ignores diabetes and bluthochdrones

Who is Portal Medical news today inform, erab a study in the Fachblatt CirculationIf you are a Wochenend-Sportler as a person, who carries out your active activities in the workplace, the risk for 200 Krankheiten is increased. Including the Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, wie Bluthochdruck and Diabetes seien die Vorteile ausgeprägt.

Frau dehnt ihren Arm, sie steht im freeien
Are you currently busy with the Wochenende Zeit für Sport? There are no problems, but they are still difficult to overcome and the movement is not disruptive. © ANNA FEDOROVA/Image

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The study used data from knapp 90,000 Teilnehmern, who were assisted by an Art Movement Tracker. This method works with the previous one, if the purpose of making messages active is achieved, it is often the case that there are no more messages. Study author Dr. Shaan Khurshid of the Massachusetts General Hospital has stopped doing her job due to the risks of Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, who have investigated other other cases. “Körperliche Aktivität affects the health risks. Working from home does not bring Vorteile in the Hinblick on the risks of Herz-Kreislauf-Erkungen with sich, under the zahlreiche weitere Krankheiten – of continued Kidney Krankung bis in his Stimmungsstörungen and more”, is stated in the official Gesundheitsportal der deutschen Apo thekerinnen.

Auch Psyche and Nerven benefit from Wochenend-Sport

Am the best of exercising with herz-kreislauf-erkrankungen with blood pressure (23 bzw. 28 percent small risks) and diabetes (43 bzw. 46 percent small risks) aus. Moreover, all underlying mental health problems are related to the mental health of the psyche, the understanding of the nerves, and the mental health of the brain. Among other things, the development of sports is responsible for making people healthy.

Because the annoyances have changed, it is a small effort. The demographic data of the study, which consists of all personal components, and the time span of the date data from now one week that the generalization of the annoyances can be a fact. However, there are also the well-known characteristics of man, the ability to be agile, regularity during the week during training.

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For humans, it is no longer active, but it can be an active lifestyle. Experts work with activities that begin to prepare Freude. It is one of the Radfahren, for other Tanzen or Schwimmen. View and integration of the Movement in the Alltag, with Treppensteigen statt Fahrstuhl, können ebenfalls de Einstieg erleichttern.

More information about study “Associations of ‘Weekend Warrior’ physical activity with incident diseases and cardiometabolic health”

Veröffentlichungsdatum: September 26, 2024

Untersuchungszeitraum: Study research for a week of movement tracking between June 2013 and December 2015

Veröffentlicht I am Fachjournal Circulation

Umfang: 89.573 Studienteilnehmer

Study cars: Research team of Dr. Shaan Khurshid from Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA

This treatment contains complete information about your physical health and should not lead to self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. There are no shortcomings in the due process. Individual fragments from the Krankheitsbildern could no longer be performed due to unreasonable editing.