
Minister explains Strafe – aber nicht personally

Minister explains Strafe – aber nicht personally

Stockach. With 240 liters of Strafwein and 240 liters of mineral water, the traditional court of the Narrengericht in Stockach Karl Lauterbach (61) during the Fastnacht in February stated: Nun beglich der Bundesgesundheitsminister seine Strafe – but not personally. “We can’t come to terminlichen Gründen,” said Narrenrichter Jürgen Koterzyna. Der Wein geschmeckt de trotzdem gut schmeckt.

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The more than 600-year-old tradition of the Narrengerichts gehört zu de Höhepunkten der Swabian-Alemannic Fastnacht in Baden-Württemberg. On the “Anklagebank” are Franz Josef Strauß (CSU) and Angela Merkel (CDU).

“Master of Disaster”

Lauterbach is suffering enormously from the high pile, the Middle Ages and the panic caused by the corona pandemic. Even now, there were “Anklagepoints” being spoken of guilty in all of them. There has been a study in the universe-competentz: „von der Virologie bis zur Astrologie“, which makes the focus on „Schmotzige“ Donnerstag scentteilt. That is the “Master of Disaster”.

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The Lauterbach War, which is being told, Schoko-Eis in the Krankenhaus in the South of Baden-Württemberg will develop. The Job übernahmen nun die Narren für ihn. Vertreten wurde der SPD-Politician bij de Strafweinübergabe am Samstagabend vom früheren Baden-württembergischen Ministerpräsidenten and EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger (CDU), who has praised the Koterzyna nicht as Ersatz, as an upgrade of a moderate wurde.
