
Nahost – Dutzende Festnahmen bei pro-palästinensische Demos – Politik

Nahost – Dutzende Festnahmen bei pro-palästinensische Demos – Politik

Berlin (dpa/bb) – At pro-palästinensische demonstrations of the Polizei in Berlin at Wochenende Dutzende Personen vorläufig festgenommen. Furthermore, after the police, more criminal and legal provisions will be imposed. The demonstration took place under conditions such as heavy criminal penalties resolved by the police. Zwölf Polizisten would be lost, it is a must for treatment in the sick house, which the police will cover.

With the demonstrations with the title “Stop the Genocide in Gaza” in Charlottenburg following the action in the Spitze around 1,000 people. Under other criminally relevant paroles, a more crazy policy and fear can be pursued. By reporting to the police, known terrorist organizations are abused. Two smaller smaller parts can be mixed with rocks and bottles, which is what happens. Be careful with the fight against the demonstration by politicians with the use of Nebeltöpfen and Eiern.

A dpa photo message, which also explains the Parole “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” in the war. If you see that the area in the Jordan and Middle Lakes region has changed – the Islamic Hamas is trying to change the State of Israel. After permission has been granted by federal ministers, parole is prohibited in Germany if Hamas knowledge is used.

The police report of 57 festive festivities and 25 Strafanzeigen

Insgeamt after the police at the Demonstration 57 Persons before fest. In addition, 25 Penal and 34 Ordnungswidrigkeitsanzeigen provisions were imposed, which the Police Mitteilte. A minor on the road is an alternative to criminal law. Recognition of additional legal penalties and safety is “in good conscience”. On American roads, it is a criminal offense for a politician to be found guilty and for a demo-teilnehmerin policy to be implemented.

A pro-Israeli struggle with the title “Antifaschist protest against anti-Semitism” and “Solidarity with Israel and the IDF” follows 35 people. See in love ohne Störung. Both three Demos war die Polizei with insgesamt 520 Einsatzkräften vor Ort.

Bereits am Freitag were more Personen festgenommen during pro-palästinensische demonstrations in Berlin. Nach Polizeiangaben wurden fünf Strafverfahren eingeleitet – roads Beleidigung, Volksverhetzung und roads des Verwendens von Kennzeichen versassungswidriger Organizationen.

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