
Bundesliga der Fußballerinnen – VfL Wolfsburg siegt ohne Popp in der Startelf – Sport

Bundesliga der Fußballerinnen – VfL Wolfsburg siegt ohne Popp in der Startelf – Sport

Essen (dpa/lni) – The football players of VfL Wolfsburg continued to blow in the Bundesliga at the Kurs. A week after 2:0 in the Spitzen game, FC Bayern went to the DFB-Pokalsieger at the SGS Essen with 2:0 (1:0). Nationalspielerin Janina Minge (25. Minute) with his first Tor for the VfL and Stürmerin Lineth Beerensteyn (72.) played for the team of Trainer Tommy Stroot, after the Punkten with Eintracht Frankfurt (you 16). Both Tore prepared Ex-Nationalspielerin Svenja Huth for.

Top game by Alexandra Popp, who plays in the Champions League game with Lyon (0:2), Knöchelblessur plays on the bench, completely in the final phase of the Einsatz.

The long-time captain of Germany’s Auswahl resigned from the national team at the end of September. In 145. and letztes Länderspiel, the dream ballerhood of the years will be contested in Australia on October 28 in Duisburg.

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