
Gelsenkirchen: Messerstecherei in der Altstadt! Mann (33) was lost

Gelsenkirchen: Messerstecherei in der Altstadt! Mann (33) was lost

It is not surprising that man has more and more difficulty – whether his ways are small or greater. It is a matter of a little luck and the fallen Schimpfwörter, versteht sich von selfbst.

+++ Gelsenkirchen: Während Schalke Olé – Frau bei Straßenbahn-Unfall lebensgefährlich verletzt ++

So there will be a day on Saturday (October 19, 2024) at 7.55 am in Gelsenkirchen (NRW) and you will be fully informed about it. It is not true that there is a person who is lost in the hospital – and the police are there. Was this passion?

Gelsenkirchen: Streit in NRW eskaliert – Mann schwer verletzt

Who the Polizei Gelsenkirchen Mitteilte, started the Tragödie with a verbal Auseinandersetzung. The problem is that the time is not clear. If this is not the case at Worten, the service life of the Lebensmittelgeschäft on Margarethe-Zingler-Platz will be electrified.

+++ Zoom Gelsenkirchen: Pflegerin will be a great kümmern – he has no intention, was behind ihrem Rücken passionrt +++

So twins can be a tatverdean and a 33 year old gelsenkirchener both in a brass. But es kam nor schlimmer: Der Unbekannte verletzte de 33-Jährigen with der Tatwaffe schwer en flüchtete nach der Tat. After a police officer helped the police, the injured person was taken to an insane asylum.

Polizei ermitteln: Tatverdächtiger wird gestucht

Derzeit laufen die Ermittlungen noch. If this is the case, the scene is enhanced. There are following descriptions: It is approx. 25 to 35 years old and approx. 1.70 to 1.75 meters gross. There is a slim and a black clothing store. Outside the door there is a hat and a baucheer if so.

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If the person sees whether Hinweise could be bitten, he or she would be bitten by the Gelsenkirchen Police (Tel.: 0209 365 7512) in Verbindung zu setzen. Hinweise nimmt auch die Kriminalwache (Tel.: 0209 365 8240) entgegen.