
Starbulls are the largest Top Team

Starbulls are the largest Top Team

After the brands have settled in Kassel and in Krefeld, the Starbulls Rosenheim are at 13. The game of DEL2 is controlled by the three punks who form a Top Team of the League. The Grün-Weißen are dependent on the “Fast-Tabanenführer” Dresdner Eislöwen am Sonntagabend for 3,431 Zuschauern a souveräner 5:0-Heimsieg, bereits after the first stand es 3:0. Travis Ewanyk played a role in the Torschützenliste with Simon Gnyp, Ludwig Nirschl and Lukas Laub.

While the Dresdner Eislöwen gleich the EV Landshut of the Tablenspitze and sucked with the Tablenführer from Kassel, a game is more well written. Two days old fans of the Meisterschaftsanwärter of the Elbe in Rosenheimer ROFA-Stadion get strong Starbulls without Rezept.

De Hausherren-präsentierten sich sehr fokussiert and strotzten nach dem famosen Auswärtserfolg zwei zuvor in Krefeld vor Selbstbewusstsein. Everything indicates that Torwart Oskar Autio prevents one of the back positions against Tomas Sykora and no longer has a Rosenheimer overview game in the Anfangsstadium function. After the 1:0-Führungstreffer aber hatten de Grün-Weißen deutlich Oberwasser. Manuel Strodel came from the Anspiel, Maximilian Vollmayer continued with the blue Line, Simon Gnyp and said that Flachschuss went right to a (6.). For Gnyp, the form curve is as yet constant, the war is the first seasonal storm.

Enable the Powerbreak at 2:0. The Starbulls have entered the neutral zone with a pass from Vollmayer to Ville Järveläinen and the directer from Travis Ewanik, who is as faster as the three gegenspieler-zeigte and guest keeper Janick Schwendener for the Rückhand-überwand (9.). Another fine game was quickly crowned with the driven Rosenheimer goal, and the guest top scorer Drew LeBlanc has passed the Anschlusstreffer and is a strong Torwart Autio schiterte (11.). Von Dresden comb then again, von de Starbulls dafür umso more. Ludwig Nirschl played the puck in the rundung, wake for Tor and fälschte Vollmayers Schuss from the blue line in the final unhaltbar ab – 3:0 (14.).

I know that the defense will last more of the game, while the defensive stabilizing Hausherren will have a gefährliche Torschüsse – and if, however, it is still war with Torwart Autio zur Stelle. And who has a Spielabschnitt schlugt de Grün-Weißen in the first moments after the Powerbreak zu. After Puckstafetten by CJ Stretch and Norman Hauner war Lukas Laub with a direct inheritance and tunnels were the Dresdner Torwart, if they wanted to zumachen the kurze Ecke, zum 4:0 (29.).

Ville-Järveläinen leitete with an energy leistung of 5:0 a. While the little Stürmer, nor ever one of his first Saisontor wars, is the Scheibe and the Bande and manufactures with the Bauerntrick, Travis Ewanyk stands on the kurzer Distanz (33.). Make sure that neither Zack Dybowski nor the Pfosten of the Dresdner Tores encounter another Rosenheimer Torerfolg.

I show the Spielabschnitt that the Eislöwen are no longer worth it, the Ergebnis is one of the best friends of the figures. Aber Oskar Autio deserves it when he zweiten Shutout after 4:0 against Bad Nauheim at 9. Play with a tadellose Leistung. Another war is with a spectacle reflex against Ricardo Hendreschke (45.) on Stelle and stopped an Unterzahl-Alleingang by Niklas Postel, as the Starbulls zum zum zweiten and letzten Mal and Diesem Abend in Überzahl ran daringly. Note: According to the Grün-Weißen, one of these players must play a game on the Penalty Bench.

With the three games playing the three Top Teams of the League – 3:2 in Kassel, 5:2 in Krefeld and now 5:0 in Dresden – the Starbulls are all new punks. In the table of powers, the green people die a satz on the sechsten Platz.