
Travel through the left-alternative Szene der Achtzigerjahre

Travel through the left-alternative Szene der Achtzigerjahre

Those Kinderläden are no longer like that. Enjoy the second-hand shops and the many cafes. Anyway, Die Grünen-Wähler. Such an Altachtundsechziger can no longer delay. If you spend a day in the Frankfurter Stadt in the north of the country, it is no longer the case that it is “Edel-Punks”.

1987 was not yet on the road, but the best kraft in the foursome would be. As a “new generation” it is “pronounced with the anonymous communication” with “Kleidung, Haarschnitt, Uhren, Sonnenbrillen, Feuerzeugen, Zigaretten und Autoschlüssel”, described by the Autor Willi Hau. If you no longer see Flickenjeans, you will see “Black Rings under the Augen and Edel-Punk-Utensilien in Schwarz”. And if you have other priorities. “We do not have a critical Dialog, an ökopolitische Diskurs sind fragt as das Design am Körper”, writes Hau. It is a new form that comes to an end, but the power is not that great.

The text originates from the traveler “Frankfurt to Fuß – 20 Courses of History and History”. For 37 years, 1987, there is a link to VSA-Verlag in Hamburg. Spazierge durch Frankfurter Stadtteile in Bornheim (the “pleasant village”), Bockenheim, Westend, the Altstadt, aber auch a Radtour zu Orten der Frauenbewegung, a Tour entlang der Nidda or in the Stadtwald was described therein.

Dauer: zweieinhalb Stunden or “whole night”

Irmgard Senger, Fernsehjournalist at the Hessian rundfunk and the research into the Holocaust history Valentin Senger, Dieter Bartetzko, the architectural criticism of the FAZ world and the theater manager Dieter Buroch took care of the cars. If we look at the alternative culture in the city, it is true that “Bankfurt” or “Krankfurt” nannten, with a delay, notes man schnell.

Willi Hau is a signaler of the Tour durch das Nordend den Titel „Wo Adornos wahre Erben dem Größenwahn verfallen“. There is brand unity for all the kinks in the foursome. Nachvollziehbar, denn das war schließlich seine Passion: als Restaurant- und Kneipenkritiker unter dem Pseudoniem Peter Polaroid-war is possible en gefürchtet.

Who of the Orte, the author in his detailed descriptions, still exists? Was it verschwunden, was it reaten in Vergessenheit? Was it possible to stop? It is a spazier corridor during the city vision. The other travel eführer is a fund on the Internet: a request from Bücher Neubert from the mobile popped dort for their own money deposit. For 2.13 Euro plus shipping costs, “Frankfurt zu Fuß” could be ordered. A schnäppchen, a click, will wage war on the road for 40 years.

At the Zickzack Course, on the Friedberger Platz, Willi Hau started with Leser through the North of the Kinderläden, the “Spontis” and the damals nor young Partei der Grünen. Two days in a row, there is only one man for the traffic signals – “ohne Abstecher, mit Kneipenaufenthalt: ganze Nächte”.

Zunächst is the Rotlintstraße entlang. The “Café Riff”, in the form of the Edel-Punks “am Wochenende gegen Mittag”, nachfeierten Nächten in Batschkapp or “Elfer”, vermmelten, is no longer to be found. Weder eine Kneipe nor irgendein otherr Loading is one of the described addresses to receive. If you get a stranglehold, it will not be used yet.

One of the paving stones is an establishment that is changing: the Rotlint-Café. “The solid 68er Generation is here,” wrote Willi Hau. A sense of being heard “in one’s living community, which is one’s own life”, is “Ritual”. When you see the Althippies, in the summer you lie near the street and you see “it had become eitler”.

Der Wirt des Rotlint-Cafés may take longer if your lectures are in “Café Riff”. 1982 übernahm Arief Imanuwarta das Lokal, after 39 years hat there was Café 2021 geschlossen. Born in Indonesia, the starting capital for his café is in Frankfurt as Türsteher earns, the Grünen politician Joschka Fischer and Daniel Cohn-Bendit will be in their tribe for a long time.

The two of us were happy at the end of the day, at the Café to be happy: the Corona pandemic and at the end of the day, at the end of the day for some children to be at home. A meeting point has been established at Rotlintstraße 58: Heute is a chic Weinbar with black walls – the vermutliche was the “Edel-Punks” fallen hat.

Das Cafe Rotlint in Frankfurter Nordend, founded in the summer of 1985.
Das Cafe Rotlint in Frankfurter Nordend, founded in the summer of 1985.Wonge Bergmann

When the time comes again, go with the Reiseführer to the arm, in Spohrstraße. 1987 was celebrated here in “Mollys Pinte”. Willi Hau characterized the damals 65 years ago in his text as “der Stadt Dienstältestes Original”. The whole week is behind the trees, “freitags, samstags bis 4 Uhr”.

Fasziniert ist der Autor of allm von ihrer Direktheit: “Working well is a common vulgarity loses Maul, because they are surprised that unbequeme and crazy Frankfurter Denkweise here, aber directly from the Bauch des Volkes comes.” Beeindruckt is Hau aber aber davon, thatss sich record a band with the Wirtin title: the Molly Nordend Band. You play Rhythm and Blues and you can play in the Alten Opera for a while.

Did it become Wohl aus Molly? They will last longer than 100 years. When there is a Kneipe war, this is a Greek restaurant. On the internet you will find an article about the tall guitarists of Molly Nordend Band, who play the power of the instrument makers. Choose a phone number. But we are still disappointed, but the answer is: “The desired number is not forgotten.”

Willi Hau can be a man who no longer fragments. February died in February. In the Beitrag für „Frankfurt zu Fuß“ the author had written lies, perhaps already the Kneipen and Restaurants, the man heute vergeblich such. An der Glauburgstra and etwa met man sich beim Pizza-Peter. Only when the “Sponti Generation” started working in the Pizzeria, a tag en zu zechen, was he put in charge of the editorial staff of the Satire magazines “Titanic” in Laden.

The journeyman
The journeyman “Frankfurt zu Fuß” was published in the USA edition in 1987.Felix Kaspar Rosic

Including the schwärmerische writing Hau über ein Lokal am Bornwiesenweg: the “Schmendrick”. One of the “Kneipen-Highlight of the left-alternative scene” has emerged, which is “the background of the neon-styled Yuppie trend with a larger part of the leftschickeria” trotzt. I “Schmendrick” blew the “abgescheuerten Holztische” stehen, a political discussion is taking place, the Kneipe is still impressed. The guest is the schauspieler Hermann Treusch, “in the years when the Tatort-Bösewicht became popular”.

Ans Herz lays der Autor Seinen Lesern auch die “Naturbar” am Oeder Weg, in der es all gibt, “was de ökologische Herz inheritancereut”. Try to be a sole man without the obligation to “eine der fulfilled Brottaschen”. It’s not that long now, the vegetarian restaurant has been closed for a number of years. Now we care about – but also – “Fried Chicken” after Korean Recipes.

Weniger wants to end up in the Knepengegenden at Willi Hau in the “begehrten Villenviertel” west of the Oeder Weg. If verschlafen and cross-country skiing are the best, that’s the case. “The Holzhausenviertel is so fine, that is reflected in the Servitut – an Art Grunddienstbarkeit – sogar for the Durchzug of Leichenzügen (zum adjacent Hauptfriedhof),” he writes. Dem Autor fehlen dort Schulen, vor allem aber Ladengeschäfte. Under the guise of a Vermutung, he says: “We are happy to have a good service in all the freshness of the market in the city.”

Einzig der Holzhausen-Park is included in the signal description halfway through. I looked at a historical photography of the Holzhausen family in Eislaufen on the watercourse of a wasserschlösschen in the park. Those Damen weite Röcke, those Herren Zylinder. In the time of climate hikes, there would be a need for more peace of mind.

Idyll: The Splendor of the Holzhausenschlösschens is yet lost.
Idyll: The Splendor of the Holzhausenschlösschens is yet lost.Wolfgang Eilmes

Ruhig und verschlafen, wie der autor in de Achtzigerjahren wahrnahm, sind de Straßen oberhalb des Holzhausenparks bis heute geblieben. You can travel on the road, travel by car, and drive in sight. But in der Gegend es brodelt. If the city is controlled by the next Oeder-weg, traffic and with rotten Radfahrerstreifen ausgestattet hat, since vale empört.

A beautiful jedem Haus hangs the Plakat: “Nein zu Straßensperren – Yes zu vernünftiger Verkehrspolitik”. Here the foursome is rebellious with the Sponti-Zeiten. But the Wut focuses on the death of the damals. Die Bösen, das sind non, zumindest in diesem Teil des Nordends, die Grünen.

It’s only a matter of time to stop cooking if you do any of the following so you won’t be able to stop. An der Ecke von Lenau- und Nordendstraße is the “Café Größenwahn”. “Einst erstes Schwulenlokal der Szene”, written by the Reiseführerautor knapp. The free spirit, the lovingly lived local atmosphere, and the good bistros, for that it is possible, überzeugen nor ever. When we were in Dort, the man was no longer young – Mittlerweile deutlich gesitteter in 1987.

We can go to war to use the Apfelweinkneipe “Zur Stalburg”. A new, unrecognizable part of the profits will go to the local market. The convenient kitchen can be restored, the price is determined, the guests can enjoy fort. If the power of the betreiber is closed, while the schlosser goes out, there is no Abschluss party that is going to use the pedigree. Nun aber hat sich das Blatt standardet. Neue Pächter machen weiter who früher. With Handkäs’, Grüner Soße und Ebbelwei zu moderen Preisen. Ein Stoßseufzer passed through Viertel.

Kurz promote the Rundgang geschafft, come man at “Strandcafé” vorbei. Nor a problem with the wild time. Willi Hau has described the Gründung as follows: “Häuserkämpfer aus dem Westend wechselten from the 70s after the Verlassen des Hauptoperationsfeldes Uni erneut de Kampfzonen and entdeckten the alternative Nischenwirtschaft. About Germany: Man must live here, and with his own, original gastronomy lies in his own way in the best time to earn money.” Sympathetic is in my “Strand Café”, which is one of a collective-führt world. That is no longer the case.

One of the other holztic ablaws is a free platz, the sunlight falls through the large window. A cappuccino with hafermilch is served, the coffee is vegan and the teaching is the “Frankfurter Rundschau”. In the Boxes man Eric Burdon sang the song “House of the Rising Sun”. More nostalgia becomes kaum. Wirklich schön.