
So ends BMW Innovation and social involvement in South Africa

So ends BMW Innovation and social involvement in South Africa

BMW It Hub South Africa

A new Tech Talent is gaining, BMW in South Africa narrowly with local universities and debt together. (Photo: BMW Group / Illustration: Andreas Croonenbroeck)

Mmaphefo Malope is a beautiful stolz, if he has one of the phenomena with neon light whistled debt offices, more possibilities for reclaiming and the beddeutung erklärt. “I did the last test for a year with an Abschlussquote von über 94 Prozent erreicht, that is in unserer Gegend ein herausragender Wert. “We live in the past years”erklärt Frau Malope. This is the teacher of the state-owned Lethabong Secondary School in Soshanguve, a township in the northwest of Hauptstadt Pretoria, South Africa. The school, one of the 1,400 students who have a chance, is not yet a part of the beach environment, without a Leuchtturm in a very safe environment.

Debt once specialized in MINT software with mathematics, electronics or computer science and has developed a number of the following Automotive-Fok’s. If the line has a patent, it will be 50 years since he was present in South Africa and his company still has a strong commitment: BMW. So how the Bavarian Car Builder would start Lethabong together with Unicef ​​​​in the year 2022 and receive money in Renovierungs-, Bau- and Securitymaßnahmen gesteckt. So it is not a kitchen or human among other things a small IT center with non-standard hardware solutions, one of the playable themes with coding or robotics. Lethabong beet children, the teilweise ohne Eltern im Township aufwachsen müssen, nicht nur Sicherheit andregularmäßiges Essen, sonondern auch aine einmalige Chance, aus ihrer Perspektivlosigkeit auszubrechen, erklärt Schulleiterin Malope. “Versagen ist keine Option” has been given a motto, which is a solution and a way to give Schüler an existing bedside hat.”

The other spirit of the “ZA-Hub”

For Autobauer BMW, since 1973 in South Africa Fahrzeuge produces, is the Engagement in Schools who Lethabong is not one of the most common Charity Initiatives, one of your own Corporate Social Responsibility Genüge, would be a great challenge, uninterested potential in such Technology Talents to develop. And it is all for an interesting BMW development in South Africa that a konzernübergreifende role in Saxony’s IT innovation has emerged for a year. If you visit 45 minutes by car from the Township Soshanguve, in Pretorias Business District Menlyn, the man is in a completely different world, a clean, modern business architecture, which is as common in any larger city in the world. The aim is to find more ways to create a light source for one of the IT hubs, the world of IT and software innovation within the BMW Group.

Thorsten Achenbach, who has found the IT organization of the China-Joint-Ventures Brilliance Automotive for BMW at the top of the Spitze ZA hubs. “I was so happy here, it’s the end-loading culture. Those people who are integrative and solution-oriented, were men in their working environment so strongly.”message Achenbach from signaler Start phase in Menlyn. The Entwickler and IT experts are looking for self-knowledge #Hubster and connecting them has never been as easy as one of the many Tech-Einheiten in BMW konzern, but it is not the case that the basis of the tag-zu cooperation: Leidenschaft for the own Job, Ehrgeiz, the Business-IT of the southern car builders worldwide, and that Entschlossenheit, all dies with social Verantwortung and the own Wurzeln in Südafrikas Gesellschaft in Einklang zu bring.

“Wir has a strong community here. The South African principle of Ubuntu is available, the community and teamwork have become likely. This collaborative Herangehensweise notices man deutlich – sowohl im privateen as auch beruflichen Umfeld“concretet Hub-Chef Achenbach.

So workers die “Hubster” in South Africa

See Gründung the IT Innovation Center in the year 2014 is the Zahl der Mitarbeiter gerade in letzter Zeit grime angewachsen. Started with a few dogs, such as the 2,400 Hubster – Tendenz-steigend. The most advanced technology of BMW’s international IT and Software Hub network, which focuses on the (Biz-)DevOps method, can make synergistic synergies and business realignments, which is able to achieve a fast exponential Wachstum with the staff Kapazitäten geführt – wie kaum einem others Standort. So BMW in South Africa is pushing the Fachkräftemangel on a räumliche Borders.

“BMW is a very digital company with high quality and production. Here in Hub I have seen a few platzmangels, we will see in the last years that there were some other paths and that new teams had their own, message set Thorsten Achenbach. Later on, the OEM must see a new location in Betracht. Once we have made a decision, we can’t wait to make the best arrangements.

Do you want to find digital solutions at the IT Hub in Pretoria?

But proud of its natural limits is the influence of the ZA-Hubs on the global system landscape BMW’s fast-moving boundaries: The Hubster develops itself with the development and implementation of IT solutions and digital services for more than 100 countries. The source of the work in Menlyn is one of the classic IT infrastructure themes with SAP solutions, Java or Cloud, which disables the Bereich product IT.

“Wir machen alles, was nicht mit dem Auto selbst zu tun hat”, take Achenbach to the Punkt. This is one of the most extensive digital services and tools that enable a good rollout. ‘Make a profit here with the location in South Africa – in English: Zum einen work wir practicallyerweise in der gleichen Zeitzone wie unsere Kollegen in Deutschland, was Abstimmungsprozesse deutlich vereinfacht and beschleuninigt. Zum others are the huge multicultural teams, if all goes well, IT innovation in all parts of the world“, concreted Achenbach. Dene de Belegschaft of the ZA-Hubs is established beef 30 Nationalitäten und Ethnien jijammen – ähnlich wie das Land Zuid-Africa itself, in dem ganze zölf offizielle Landessprachen since gültig.

It is not easy that the expert teams have the innovation portfolio of the most recent IT hubs on the BMW network: the class runs with SAP and Cloud by working on the Hubster on the digital Vehicle Vehicle, a Digital-Twin-Projekt together with the Industry initiative Catena-X, one of the optimization of UX mittels Eyetracking or of the installation of chatbot functions for the global IT control center, the fall of the Hub has changed. Special focus lies on the theme of artistic intelligence, for that all round 80 Mitarbeiter is abgestellt since.

They ended up with data scientists Jarod Smith and Theodor Loots. Beim Besuch von automotiveIT In the hub, an intelligent document processing platform (IDP) is offered, based on large language models and its own proprietary AI platforms, which automatically processes forms from documents in data and thus saves time and costs. “With our in-house know-how it is possible to find a cost-efficient, right-handed and easy-to-use solution for the integration, which takes documentation to a new level”quickly Jarod Smith sister. Now that the IDP platform on the self-service platform has been developed a year later, the speaking model is displayed in a non-romantic way.

BMW sucht Rückkopplung mit Südafrikas Gesellschaft

For this KI Project work BMWs Data Scientists also eng mit local colleges with beispielsweise from the Stellenbosch University in the South-West of the Landes jijsammen. Here is the German, which BMW is the first Ubuntu princess, and also the Verflechtung with the Menschen in the Land, which offers a herausragen economic position on the African continent, is not free from social-conomic problems. So the Jugendarbeitslosigkeit beisplayelsweise bei über 60 Prozent.

BMW offers a different format in a convenient location for education and study, with the IT world in Hub near bowls. It is possible that a Tech Academy in the study and absolvement of teams in the hub will have a greater share of the opportunity to actively integrate IT projects. Make sure the hub is equipped Junior IndabasA tradition has emerged from stammesführern and alstenen, while the very latest games and IT and digital themes are being redeveloped.

This is the best way to find a Lethabong Secondary School student in the world of Bits, Bytes and BMW. “We are born with Solchen Formaten etwas zurück an de Community und eröffnen für teils unterprivilegierte junior Menschen tolle Chancen. It’s a pleasure to collaborate with the University here for important Recruitment Pipelines.”concretes Hubster Danie Smit.

Auch für IT-Hub-Leiter Achenbach mache die Verbundenheit swiss Land, Menschen und der soul-orientedten and continuous Innovationssarbeit the IT-Standort in seinem Kern aus. If you want to follow this culture and mentality, you must look at a strict Work Ethic, then Hubster with an Augenzwinkern with the Zulu-Redewendung “Walala Wasala” (“Wer schläft, verliert”) describe. Achenbach: „Der Gemeinschaftliche Ansatz und die Leidenschaft, Lösungen zu finden und omzusetzen, sind hier sehr ausgeprägt. If you want a Go-live-Termin view, you might want to take a closer look. Der Hub is a real Delivery Machine.”