
View in Frankfurt: LUS-DAX zum Start mit Gewinnen | 22.10.24

View in Frankfurt: LUS-DAX zum Start mit Gewinnen | 22.10.24


207.66 CHF 3.83%


The LUS-DAX enters XETRA-Handel at 09:26 Uhr at 0.09 Prozent auf 19’556.00 Punkte zu.

The LUS-DAX has a high score at 19’567.50 Einheiten, which is the lowest reading of the company barometers at 19,500.00.

So get out when the LUS-DAX starts at the beginning of the year

For a month during which the XETRA Trade is open. On the previous Trading Day, 20.09.2024, the LUS-DAX was 18’725.00 Punkten. For three months, on 22.07.2024, the LUS-DAX was still at 18’490.00 Punkten. For one year of use of the XETRA Trade Week End Clause. The LUS-DAX was at a level of 14’776.00 Punkten on the previous Trading Day on 20.10.2023.

Seit Yearsbeginn 2024 longe der Index bereits um 16.79 Prozent zu. In these years the LUS-DAX achieved a year at 19’678.00 points. Das Jahrestief would hinge at 16’345.00 Punkten registriert.

Tops and Flops work

Among the strong Einzelwerten in LUS-DAX you will find the time when SAP SE (+ 5.01 Prozent at 221.30 EUR), Daimler Truck (+ 1.67 Prozent at 38.29 EUR), Porsche (+ 0.68 Prozent at EUR 68.06), Volkswagen (VW) vz (+ 0.62 Prozent at EUR 91.60) and Mercedes-Benz Group (ex Daimler) (+ 0.49 Prozent at EUR 57.28). The flop title on the LUS-DAX is based on Vonovia SE (ex Deutsche Annington) (-1.53 ​​percent at EUR 30.82), Bayer (-1.30 percent at EUR 25.76), Fresenius SE (-1, 16 percent at EUR 33.34), Brenntag SE (-0.88 Prozent at EUR 62.74) and Rheinmetall (-0.84 Prozent at EUR 486.30).

LUS-DAX-Aktien with the largest Börsenwert

The promotion in LUS-DAX with the largest trading volume is the time of the Bayer promotion. 696’561 Aktien wurden zutetzt an der Heimatbörse tradt. The SAP SE Action has a market capitalization of 248,290 billion. Euro. Let the action in the LUS-DAX reach the high Börsenwert.

KGV and Dividende der LUS-DAX-Aktien

In those years, the Porsche Automobil vz-Aktie verzeichnet met FactSet-Schätzung met 2.76 das niedrigste Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) in LUS-DAX. I am thinking of the dividend yields that the Mercedes-Benz Group (ex Daimler)-Action 2024 with FactSet-Schätzung voraussichtlich with 7.97 Prozent the position as Spitzenreiter in Index inne.
