
Neue Solarzelle soll bis zu 60 Prozent Wirkungsgrad erreichen

Neue Solarzelle soll bis zu 60 Prozent Wirkungsgrad erreichen

Der Wirkungsgrad Any solar energy used will generate the chance of a fallen solar light in the electrical energy. Handelsübliche Solarzellen ha, je nach Zellmaterial, een Wirkungsgrad zwischen 10 and 26 percent – letztes nur unter Laborbedingungen, laut Bundesverband Photovoltaic Austria.

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Deutlich darüber hinaus kommen nur Mehrfachsolarzellen, die aus 2 or more different Solarzell types best, became the superior other organized. This is where Zellen, the Labor one, was born 47 Prozent Wirkungsgrad erreichen.

Pretense of Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain there is no solar energy, which theoretically requires a Wirkungsgrad von bis zu 60 percent reach can. This feature is based on the basics of Gallium phosphide and Titan.

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Der Wirkungsgrad von Solarzellen hat, je nach Material, een beste Obergrenze. Here spoke a man from der Shockley-Queisser-Grenze. Bee SiliziumThis is the most expensive material in the construction of solar panels, since it was founded at the Fraunhofer Institut nur 29.4 percentwhen a man dies Auger recombination mitberücksichtigt. If all goes well, 70 percent of the sunlight, on solar energy, “pulverizes” and could not be passed through the electricity. When the light spectrum occurs, a solar energy stands out.

With the new art of solar energy, the limit of the properties of materials quickly doubles, with interesting technology. The team decided to do this 2009 with Gallium phosphid and Titan, brauchte jedoch 15 yearsum first Zellen has re-sisters. The prototype has a large von a square zentimeter.

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Bis eine Solche Solarzelle tatsächlich im Praxiseinsatz Strom gewinnen kann bzw. Prepare for the worries of the end, neither dare nor fall away. So the prototype has not yet been won, but also not not that efficientwho würde the intestine 60 Prozent, the material physical blessings.

Dennoch is the recovery that makes Solarzelle a heavier Schritt. The problem is that the regulation of the Silizium-Solarzellen is stagnating, allowing the maximum capacity of 29.4 Prozen to be reached in a mass production. Then it is good, if Nachfolge-Technologien prepared, one of these ways to overcome. If you want to use the new Solarzelle female as Tandem Zelle, the efficiency will not increase further.

Die Forschungsergebnisse wurden in der Zeitschrift Materials Today Sustainability veröffentlicht.