
Salzburger Handwerkspreis 2024: Bernhard Heigl lies job

Salzburger Handwerkspreis 2024: Bernhard Heigl lies job

The Heigl GmbH in Altenmarkt, founded in 1982 and founded in 2002 by Bernhard Heigl, is a legacy of Vorzeigebetrieb for Dachdeck and Spenglerarbeiten. With beef 25 Mitarbeitern, darunter four Lehrlingen, explains Bernhard Heigl großen Wert auf Kundenzufriedenheit and Qualität. For the Geschäftsführer Bernhard Heigl, manual work is no longer such a personal Leidenschaft, which would probably lead to problems.

ALTENMARKET. The company “Heigl GmbH” in Altenmarkt is a Vorzeigebetrieb. 1982 by Ignaz Heigl was composed and 2002 by Sohn Bernhard, produces the Firm Mittlerweile rund 25 Personen, davon vier Lehrlinge. Der Betrieb führt voor allem Dachdeck- und Spenglerarbeiten durch.

“Schönster Beruf der Welt”

“I was as small as Bub was immer in the Workstatt of my Vater. For all that Biegen von Blechen had my fasziniert, because I was still not able to learn the Frage, because I was different from learning. That is not the case,” it says. Geschäftsführer Bernhard Heigl. It’s a matter of contacting your friends. “It is a gift for my best shoes, if a man can help in finding and solving problems, then such and such can be a grateful sin. Man will have braucht and maargeschätzt his father. Of course it is not true that he is enjoyable, that gift is aber mit Sicherheit in keinem Beruf,” says Heigl.

At the first Platz des Salzburger Handwerkerpreises 2024, the Dachdeckerei und Spenglerei Heigl GmbH in Altenmarkt took place for the Dach- and Fassadenarbeiten at the Bergstation „Energiekristall“ am Dachstein. "Our Dachdecker war is a special herausforderung, in the Alps at an altitude of 2,700 meters from the project | Photo: Dachdeckerei and Spenglerei Heigl GmbH

A Zukunftsfitter Job

Another time we can see Bernhard Heigl in the Theme Stabilität and Zukunft. “Unsere labor was not exterminated for a long time by an intelligent intelligence. A door and a door cannot even set off a heute auf tomorrow,” Heigl says. The benefits of the Salzburger Handwerkspreiss für die Arbeiten a der Bergstation am Dachstein mit de Geschäftsführer mächtig stolz: “The appreciation, which is produced by a single labor, is clearly beautiful and therefore motivated.” It’s a snapshot.

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