
Tödliche Messerattacke – Hotelgast erstochen – Mordverdächtiger in U-Haft – Bayern

Tödliche Messerattacke – Hotelgast erstochen – Mordverdächtiger in U-Haft – Bayern

Würzburg (dpa/lby) – A 54-year-old hotel guest is a suspected murderer, even though there is another guest in a Würzburg hotel. After the Mitternacht, the man has engraved two uncleared Gründen in a community space where they were lying in the kitchen, a 42-year attack and finally abandoned, according to the police. Daraufhin wählte another Guest den Notruf. Der 54-Jährige wurde widerstandslos festgenommen. Ein Ermittlungsrichter erließ Haftbefehl roads Mordverdachts. Motivation and tatablauf are based on the following instructions.

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