
The most beautiful Strandbad am Bodensee is 100 years old – this is what it looks like

The most beautiful Strandbad am Bodensee is 100 years old – this is what it looks like

Neither the gilded beach of the Hotels Bad Schachen nor the most beautiful Bad am Bodensee. If the signal was opened during the construction with the signal architecture in the open space, the large entrance hall and the smaller windows would be visible.

Men and women in Bad am Bodensee are the first to dare to take baths. After 40 years of war, Bad am See was the first with a swimming pool. Dieses Jahr feierte das Bad seinen 100. Geburtstag.

Alter Charm

Seinen Reiz is one of the best things out there. In the idyllic parks of the Bad Schachen hotels, the brown Holzgebäude with its white Portikus has fallen another time. Der Schriftzug „Strandbad“ verspricht Badevergnügen.

The entrance hall is decorated with Holz. While a Drehtür does it, it is good.

The entrance hall is decorated with Holz. While a Drehtür does it, it is good. (Photo: Moritz Hoffmann/Bad Schachen)

A look through the transgression in the hollowed-out entrance hall awakens memories of a lost time, as the global society of the city in the Summer Frisian brought to the Hotels of the South. The Walk through the Drehtür opens up the view to the Turkish waters of the Pools, the green of the Liegewiese and the silver shimmering Lake Constance. The white souls are surrounded by pavilions on the Insel Lindau.

The History of Bads

Kein Wunder, from Claudia Schielin, said: “The Strandbad is a unique selling point, an all-instellungs brand.” The 40-year age is a one-year guarantee for the hotels in Bad Schachen. Damit is the Hotel in the eight Generation im Besitz of the Schielin Family.

Der Pool kam 1964/65 hinzu. Ansonsten is everything nor in the original position.

Der Pool kam 1964/65 hinzu. Ansonsten is everything nor in the original position. (Photo: Bad Schachen)

1752, also for 272 years, Johannes Schielin founded the Grundstück, found on his heute das hotel, which is a nachfahren of a Kurhotel entwickelten. The Weinbauer can tap into the potential of the Anwesens: They have a small Weinberg with a Schwefel-Eisenquelle, which since 1474 there was a Heilbad thereweitert, a Brunnenhaus, a Badehütte and a Living House for the Bademeister.

If you are in Bad in winter, it is best to visit the Gasthaus “Zum Witte Schwan”. One of the two Heilquellen is one of the best hotels in the world, which lies in Villa Strandeck.

Früher wurde a Betonrampe with Sand aufgeschüttet, and a Sandstrand zu erzeugen.

Früher wurde a Betonrampe with Sand aufgeschüttet, and a Sandstrand zu erzeugen. (Photo: Bad Schachen)

Potential in Kleine Dorf

With the Eröffnung der Bahnlinie München-Lindau, hundert Jahre später, the Zeitalter des Fremdenverkehrs began. If you stay more in Lindau and are looking for the located Dorf Schachen, the dams with your Heilbad as Kurort will start war.

A Baedecker Reiseführer from 1898 spent a spaziergang after “Bad Schachen, with Mineral and Seebädern, in reisder Lage, im Hochsommer stets überfüllt”. De Heilquelle verlor im Laufe der Zeit is een bedeutung.

Statt zu kuren, wollen the people lie in See baden. The Schielin family moved into a bathhouse in 1870 with their own bathtubs in the lake. Zuletzt umfastste dieses hölzerne “Kastenbad” 22 Kabinen, collect the Swiss women and men. Jede Kabine hates its own Zugang zum See.

100 Jahre ist der Kauf here

If you are the little one, Robert Schielin bought 1924 blessing Nachbarfamilie Gruber ein Stück Land ab. There is a modern Bad-bauen here, the spirit of the times. “Ein Bad mit Strand für Luft- und Sonnenbad. Modern people look at a certain bathing culture,” says Claudia Schielin from the hotel reviews.

The idea that this idea does not exist is that of Robert Schielin Neuland. The architects Max Littmann from Munich have found a beautiful beach. These are an inherited function of a “bathroom” on the terrace and in the shutters. If the water has a concrete slope, the teeth cannot be abraded with the sand, but a sandy beach is hardening.

Geschäftsführerin Claudia Schielin will continue another tradition.

Geschäftsführerin Claudia Schielin will continue another tradition. (Photo: Bad Schachen)

The central point, the right to pay, should be used as a door and a kiosk. 130 cabins were sent to the streets, dying in the open pavilions.

Who fell is not original?

During the processing elements, the white or natural materials of Holz, Säulenreihen and with a Blätterkranz verzierte Holztüren der Umkleidekabinen. „Such a picture of the Schachener Strandbad den Höhepunkt der hölzernen Badekultur am Bodensee“, written by Christoph Hölz ​​​​and Markus Traub 2009 in ihrem Buch „Weite Blicke“. In the portraits of art history and the photo 28 Anwesen der Bavarian Riviera.

The height of the figure is clearly visible with a white puff pastry decorated with Holztüren der Umkleidekabinen.

The height of the figure is clearly visible with a white puff decorated Holztüren der Umkleidekabinen. (Photo: isa)

Das Besondere an dem Bad War Damals aber nicht das Gebäude Selbst: “The Revolutionary War, the Frauen and the Manner sich gemeinsam aufhalten dared,” said Claudia Schielin. Tagsüber zum Baden, abends zum Tanz. A tradition, the young hotel manager in Zukunft was allowed to leave his home. If it is bad, the hotel is no longer active, but here is the Corona pandemic during the Jazz-Abende-statt.

It is not that a single error occurs. In 1964/65, Bad am See raged with a beheizten Schwimmbecken ausstattet. Changes were made in 1991, when the concrete ramps were abgerissen and by a Ufermauer with two Treppen ersetzt. “Sunst is not everything nor in Originalzustand,” says Claudia Schielin. When the gilt are there, the beach is a lot better in the most beautiful Bad am See.