
Photographer over signals USA-Bildband: “I want to erase, was on the streets ist”

Photographer over signals USA-Bildband: “I want to erase, was on the streets ist”

taz: Herr Dressel, in the past three weeks we lived in the USA. See the images in the video “The End Is Near, Here” available in the light of day. For what you see is clear, we win: Donald Trump.

Michael Dressel: No, if I was not allowed to wear it, so I am a permanent Nihilist. Aber ich bin Realist. And as a Realist, if I see half of the population as Trump as Candidates in the Betracht, it is more important than the spirit of the nation itself, and it is most frightening. Trump is now the Symptom for eternity, for a single illness, which is more likely to lie. There is that great history, that man is alive.

Im Interview: Michael Dressel

Michael Dressel, 66, lives as a freelance photographer in LA and Berlin. The book “The End is Near, Here” is available at Hartmann Books and costs 29 Euro.

taz: Sie zeigen auf Ihren Bildern Elend, die Begeisterung für Waffen, den extremen Nationalismus, verödete Landschaften. Many figures have lived their lives and lost their lives.

Dressel: I have a great experience in my life, my culture and politics are strong. Diesem Gefühl ich Ausdruck verleihen. I would like to have fun minutes before the explosion for the knowledge I have, who I see.

Photo: Michael Dressel

taz: Indem Sie den Verfall zeizen?

Dressel: They are beautiful, these legends, my photos are unique and tend to be beautiful, and they are beautiful. Then I can say: Yes, naturally, I will not describe the world of America objectively. The image band is a personal statement, I am extremely aware. Naturally, the beaches in Malibu are never beautiful, but naturally the water in Los Angeles is still good. Aber darum geht es in diesem Fall nicht.

taz: Manche Menschen auf Ihren Bildern übertreffen jede Klischee, dat is schon wieder funligig. Who finds Sie Ihre Motive?

Dressel: All in all, I always have a camera near me. Nature is Photography etwas Subjectives. I have designs that are perfect for my own development. I am photographic instinctively, with a clear image of my images and filters. If the theme of the images were crystallized, I thought that it could be adapted, but if a gun show would happen next to a Trump Rally, then things will come later.

Photo: Michael Dressel

taz: Sie ben seit Jahrzehnten in Kalifornien, stamen aber aus Ostberlin. Wegen eine Versuchssachsen Sie in der GDR zwei Jahre im Gefängnis. They lived and lived in the USA. Were these Associations for a Sehnsuchtsort?

Dressel: Nein, ich bin auch nicht absichtlich ausgewandert. After two years of Knast in the DDR, I have had a lot of information about Germany in general. After the first major travels, I lived in America, because I was always a film freak, that music, that whole culture fascinated me. That’s what I lived in, who lived in America in the 1980s.

Photo: Michael Dressel

taz: “Land of the Free”?

Dressel: Yes. The nation was so dammed that it was so unappealingly gross, that it was endearing, wenn man aus dem German Kleinscheiß kam.

taz: Sie wollten eigentlich Maler sein. Who has come to visit photography?

Dressel: I had a Bühnenbild studied in Weißensee, I also lived in the USA nor gemalt. Then check out digital photography. I am very proud that I am very happy in the world and that my life is full of joy when it comes to viewing. That’s what I got so fortunately. That photography was for my obsession, and it is still there.

taz: I have earned money as a Sound Editor in Hollywood.

Dressel: Kino was always irreverent to me. I have always noticed: I am more interested in myself, but the roads are gone. There is more to the company. Hollywood is Fiction and Ablenkung. My photography is one art gift.

Photo: Michael Dressel

taz: Was müsste passioneren, damit Sie wieder die schönen Strände von Malibu fotografieren?

Dressel: Oh well, I can always take photographs, although there is no interest in them. That’s true for me personally.

taz: The Frage war ein Versuch, here but nor with a bisschen Zuversicht zu enden…

Dressel: I’ll see you soon! Aber da ist der verdammte Realismus, der mir immer in die Quere kommt. We live in a Wendepunkt. That is not the case in America, but it is not so different in Europe. Clear, the title meines Bildbandes ist provokant. It says: Ey, good luck, and then good luck with the Leute, let’s see. A lot of people dare not to overdo it, so there is a book, so a few photos have not been changed in the world.