
The address sail in Chrome can do more than you think

The address sail in Chrome can do more than you think

Let’s go for a while, in there the address of the browser ausschließlich dafür da war, a URL – als beispielsweise – do not hesitate to write. After all, that’s fine with her long hair. Mittlerweile must use the address sail for a long time Eingabefeld for such machines – and not forvieles,vieles mehr.

Weil man damit derart might be able to, the address in the Google Chrome Browser would be official Omnibox bezeichnet. If someone is white, someone can get out of the Omnibox, so it was what a Commando sail If you want to use all Google services, you can find more information practical functions abrufen.

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Tips and tricks

In this article you can view one of the above articles Best tips and tricks for the Omnibox der desktop version of the Chrome browsers. Before you do this, the guy who uses Google as a standard machine has set a hat. Viele der Kniffe functions in Chrome at Android and iOSwith the “@” terminal.

Jump into the Omnibox

The very best that apply to the omnibox function on Google sites, if a man uses a leather new Tab Offnet (Cmd+T or Strg+T). If you no longer have a position, can be a useful contributor to Suchfeld.

Um, as quickly as you can get into the Omnibox, you’re no longer on the Trackpad or with the Maus at the wheel. It’s a matter of doing it practicals Shortcutjumps directly into the omnibox with the mouse: Cmd+L on an Apple computer or with Strg+L on a Windows browser.

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Gemini answers

Auch wen der AI Assistant If Google works directly in the Chrome browser, nor is it integrated into the browser or the operating system of Windows or macOS, the omnibox can be expanded.

Dafür tips man “@twin” in the address tarpaulin and best with the Tab-Taste or der Leertaste. Anschließend sollte “Chat with Gemini” were mentioned in the bigger script. Now you can send a message to the KI-Chatbot directly in the Omnibox and write with the Enter-Taste. You will be able to see the man on the Gemini-Website.

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That mighty @-Zeichen

When the hat is raised, the most common ways in which the @ symbols contain one of the symbols in the omnibox are: Neben @twin really bad @bookmarks, @history and @tabs vorgeschlagen. It is the Systemsprache Deutsch, which extends @lesezeichen, @verlauf and @tabs.

Entscheidet man ich beispielsweise for @lesezeichen, then we are now those special ones Favorite duration. Dasselbe gilded for pine Browser-Verlauf with @verlauf and den opented Tabs with @tabs.

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Favorite durchsuchen

If the favorite is, it is still a feinheit. If man weiß, thats man a website in a best time Bookmarks folder gegeichert, can combine either such solutions in the Omnibox.

Hat man etwa the URL of “” im Order “Workshop” Afterwards, “Workshop” and “Future…” can be added and the desired website can be viewed in the Vorschlägen.

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Email writing

If you want to write a new email, you can send the HTML message later. Man gibt einfach “mailto:” in the omnibox of the Chrome browsers, a best option is with the Enter-Taste.

Daraufhin öffnet sich das Standard email program – You have a Welsh man’s hat. And we will be at the Google service: Möchte man, dass sich Gmail on the “mailto:”-befehl-net, the browser settings may disappear.

Go to the Omnibox “chrome://settings/handlers” An. Please note: “Websites can be fragmented when the protocol is displayed”. If you activate the Gmail page of the protocol, you will be reimbursed by the duplicate version Rat symbol in the Omnibox click.

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Erstellen new Google.Doc

If all goes well, a man with the Befehlen can ““, ““or”slides.newNow that the Omnibox is a new Google Text document, a new Google Spreadsheet is setting up a new presentation.

The best man is one of the best dishes with the Enter-Taste. Shift+Enter opens the new document new Fenster geöffnet, mit Cmd+Enter beziehungsweise Strg+Enter in einem new Tab.

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With Google Lens like

A shortcut is entered Cmd+L beziehungsweise Strg+L before the Maus view is displayed in the Omnibox, there is power over those such settings Google Lens abrubbar.

Click on the entered symbol to click Bildschirminhalt scanned by visueller Suche. The man’s hat is probably, on a Image or a text abstraction to click. In the Folge appropriate Suchergebnisse were announced.

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Notification in Chrome Machen

It is possible that Google Chrome is used as a notification. Wirklich is practically not the leader, the man does not say that it can be a text datei. Put a man in the Omnibox on the next page, the man sees a screenshot and the man can start.

Formation runs it may be that the Hinzufügen of Bildern or other Dateien. Hilfreich can use that trick if he does Chrome Notizblock in a tab openlässt and in as erweiterte Zwischenablage nutzt.

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More practical functions

If the Omnibox is on the herkömmliche Google site, a man can all die practical functions abrufen, with timer setting, a number of measurements, taschenrechner, wetter and definitions are a way to make a Münze yard and Würfeln.

Set timer

There is a timer set to start, but you can do it”timer 60 minutes“or”timer 60 minutes“One of the best things about the Enter-Taste. Time can be a natural big party.


Will man schnell etwas ausrechnen, gibt man die Formel einfach in de Omnibox ein – beispielsweise 12*5+15 – if the experience is known, ohne the man who enjoys Enter-Taste. Dear man with Enter, go to Google as a full-fledged person Taschenrechner said.

Describe Einheiten

Dasselbe gilded for tie Outlines von Unit. Egal ob Währungen, Flächenmaße, Längenmaße oder sonstige Einheiten. If you use an Omnibox “14ft”, the diesel will last longer in the meter cupboard. The function is with “15 dollars in euros“or mit”15 km/h in km/h“.


Gibt man “Queen in German” is a man who immediately says that he does German Ausdruck dafür “Königin” ist. Ensure proper functioning of the device. Nach der Eingabe von “King in English” says that the Omnibox is an English version of “Queen”.


Ist man sich unsicher, was ein Ausdruck bedeutetKann man in der Omnibox danach fragments – en black mit “define subdued“. Then it is said, that is the reason why those who are “reserved, modest, shy” are beddeutet. The influence of enter-taste is not that pleasant.

For German speaking Ausdrücke tipst man einfach beispielsweise “define Computer“, was mit”electronic record” is described.

Wetter said

Ebenso ohne Drücken der Eingabetaste, wird in der Omnibox the active Wetterlage announced, wenn man dort beisplayelsweise “Vienna again“or”wetter who“Eingibt.

Würfeln or Münze Werfen

Classical is a Würfel or a Münze yard. Dafür writes man in the Omnibox “toss a coin“beziehungsweise”a Münze shipyards“or”roll the dice“beziehungsweise”würfeln” and best with the Enter-Taste.

In the autumn of the war a man can find himself in a different story, which may be the case when the sausage comes out of the fire.