
Was der Kanzler und het halbe Kabinett in India wollen

Was der Kanzler und het halbe Kabinett in India wollen

Regierungskonsultationen come from Klassenfahrt. Der Kanzler has brought together more ministers and ministers, a concern that is one of the most important partners for the world of a kraftige Schub that has been redeemed. Often it happens that the Kabinett on the last flight in the air flies in a different way – and can not be so raus.

If the German-Indian Regierungskonsultatie is different. The Ampel-Regierung is in the following days in Neu-Delhi zum de Treffen dieser Art in Neu-Delhi eintrudeln. The worst countries are available tomorrow Vizekanzler Robert Habeck (Grüne) and Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) in the Indische Hauptstadt. Kurz darauf starts Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) with a two-way government policy for Berlin after the country. Später kommen dann noch Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock from Paris and Bildungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger looks at a choice with Linie nach.

I am free to talk to all the sisters in Hyderabad House, the Gästehaus der Regierung in Neu-Delhi, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Seinem Kabinett. Darum heht es dabei:

Russia: Als als Mittler zwischen den Lagern

The trip that had been made in Russia was a fact. If Brazil and South Africa are in the states of the G20 State Group, Moscow will have a good destination in the West. Modi is not in Russian Kasan beim Gipfeltreffen der sogenante Brics-States, it is als Gegenweight zur G7 führender westlicher Wirtschaftsmächte verstehen. If the country puts an end to Russian interests in Ukraine, the roads in both countries may be put to good use. Kanzler Scholz will earn his money with a new Friedenskonferenz, and then telnehmen soll in Russia.

Security: Gemeinsames Marine-Manover

Germany and India have had a strategic partner organization for more than 20 years and woolen ideas in the Security Area have now become even more intensive. Scholz examines the German Frigate “Baden-Württemberg” and the Defense Force “Frankfurt” at the same time in the province of Goa, and a joint venture with the Indian Navy technology. If the Rüstungskooperation does not have “unerschlossenes Potenzial”, Modi says it can help the Kanzlers in a year. If the Streitkräfte takes a big step with the Russian Waffen-ausgerüstet. The Federal Government should work, that is the situation.

Wirtschaft: Habeck hofft auf Freihandelsabkommen

Economic Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) has decided to make a split from free trade activities in the EU and if. “Since 20 years we will be trading, that is not a good German pace. Often, we have worked through a few loose knots,” said the Grünen politician. The first transactions were completed from 2007 to 2013. Hurden were a German company and a Schutzmaßnahmen for the Indian automotive sector. The Verhandlungen would be finalized in 2022.

Fachkräfte: Heil will provide answers

For Labor Minister Heil there is an answer from the Fachkräften from Indische. The occupied country of the world is an “ideal partner”, the SPD politician said before the flight. “If there are millions of people involved in the labor market.”