
MTU Aero Engines: Darum Steigt der DAX-Wert on a new Rekordhoch

MTU Aero Engines: Darum Steigt der DAX-Wert on a new Rekordhoch

In 2023, the Triebwerks-Rückruf taxes will no longer be taxable, but the details of the company of MTU Aero Engines in the Donnerstag are a new rekordhochsteigen. The management of the triebwerk repairers is very well informed about the emerging trends.

The Boeing and Airbus Zuliefer agents carried out an operation in 2024 to obtain a two-week cleaning for Zinsen and Steuern (Ebit) as a million euros after a schraubt (DER AKTIONÄR message). Nun gab is also detailed Geschäftszahlen. In the first month of 2024, the MTU was worth 5.3 billion euros. Auf vergleichbarer Basis were dies 14 Prozent more as im Vorjahreszeitraum.

The cleaned operating company won a foursome of 744 million euros and knew that it would bring three foursome new years. If the Strich earns an MTU of 499 million euros, he can travel the roads of a universal triebwerk-rückruf for a year here for a pleasure of 312 million euros.

There are 3,000 working units of Airbus-Jets, the Münchner Triebwerks-Hersteller and signals from US-Partner Pratt & Whitney (gehört zum US-Konzern RTX) as well as the Fluggesellschaften see more about this year in Atem hält, MTU Fortschritte to report. There were 450 Airbus Mittelstrecken Jets from the A320neo model family available in Boden. This Zahl must be washed and sunk.

“The Krisenmode has given a hint about our welds,” says MTU President Lars Wagner at the current Donnerstag in a telephone conference. Ensure that the affected employees are affected by the work states if they are geschätzt. So it’s a matter of 100 days ago that a triebwerk has another problem, which you repair and any other partner. The war started with the MTU Spitze and continued for 150 days.

The Ausfallzeiten for the Fluggesellschaften, the Pratt & Whitney and the MTU-entschädigen müssen, became smaller, few Kapazitäten were blocked in the Werkstätten. MTU has earned an amount of 900 million euros for the recovery action. If the Rückstellungen zum Teil aufzulösen, it is true that we Finanzvorstand Peter Kameritsch. “Wir sind noch am Anfang, nicht über den Berg.”

In the first month of 2024, the additional costs for all free cash flow are lower, but at the Engpässen in the Lieferketten: As of the end of September, the free cash flow was lower by 213 million euros, if 257 million euros were invested. When the MTU has received a new multi-million euro commitment a year later.

Starke Prognosis

The Umsatz Forecast can be read as follows: The MTU forecast for Geschäftsjahr 2024 will yield a value of 7.3 billion and 7.5 million euros. Zum Satisfaction sollen all Geschäftsbereiche beitragen. If you carry out the serial production of an organic plus in the form of a micro-pregnancy program, it is important that this is done in a certain situation. The Ersatzteilgeschäft believes that the MTU is an organic element in the new Zehner-Prozentbereich. The installation of the organic plant takes up to 35 percent of the time in an organic manner in the factory.

I am military-geschäft who has investigated the MTU with one of the goals in the battle against Zehner-Prozentbereich. The EBIT achieved in 2024 was one billion euros higher. Control and EBIT revenue gains will increase during operating earnings. The MTU forecast is based on a dollar rate of 1.10 dollars/euro.

After watching and predicting the MTU action, a noticeable form with a form of 314.80 Euro becomes a new record (see graph). Analysts do not yet see the DAX value positively.

The analysis house of Jefferies has made the purchase of the MTU after the purchase at a price of 380 euros and can make the expert predictions. The research is based on the strong demand for the strong Abschneiden in the Quartal, analyst Chloe Lemarie wrote in a study of the beginning. The three-way design for the new flight flow is similar to the first Halbjahr and it was a major challenge to do this.

Analyst David Perry of JPMorgan hated the price of the MTU calculations for a week at 370 euros. If you say that the market estimates for the triebwerkhersteller are now no longer necessary.

Sechs-Jahres-Chart MTU aircraft engines

Sechs-Jahres-Chart MTU aircraft engines

With a strong war and ersatzteil geschäft, the MTU action will not be in the current trend or fortified. DER AKTIONÄR with a price of 330 euros, if the market is spread out, there is still no high price. Switch on the DAX-Wert in a natural way.

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