
Culture in and with the Langweider Bahnhof

Culture in and with the Langweider Bahnhof

Wummernd rauschen Züge am Langweider Bahnhof vorbei. Drinnen, in the Bahnhofsgebäude is a wonderful experience. Dort, Swiss Büchern, Seifen, Kerzen or Tee zum Selbstabfüllen, find meer en verschiedene Veranstaltungen statt. The calendar for those years is well filled and another year is a fact in the Kulturbahnhof Buch7 in the Langweide. “Musiker and Musikerinnen are often here themselves. You have found one of our colleges. Manche kommen öfter“, erzählt Angelika Stemp. Sie schaut, ob Raum und Publikum zu der Anfrage pass. As a bookstore is used for reading cars and cars.

Fairgrounds and Kneipp competitions – everything in Langweid

The Soul Group focuses on the Youngest and continues with the Märchenstunde with Krimhilde “Die Sagenhafte”. It is most Wednesday, October 30, at 3 p.m., it is March with schlauen Tieren for children of four years and erwachsene. Aber auch Kneipp-Anwendungen für de Alltag met Kostproben and Anschauungsmaterial über die fünf Säulen von Pfarrer Sebastian Kneipp (8. November, 6.30 PM) or the monatliche Kulturkino am letzten Freitag im Monat (19 Uhr) heard zum Programm.

It was a varied Gläsern at the entrance to the Bahnhofs, erklärt Benedikt Gleich, one of the Gründer der Einrichtung. The Bahnhofsgebäude itself is built from the fragments that have been used increasingly over 100 years. “Wir wollen Alltagskultur erkunden”, it says. After entering the long meadow there is the first small Ziegel that has a small Ausstellung and Vorführungen. A local landwirt can his mother zweiten Mal Flachs an. Children were so well informed that they could continue to use their clothing. Damals is all that strengthened, but also nachhaltiger gewesen, says Gleich. That will leave children alone. Schülerinnen and Schüler have restored their own color from different pigments in the Kulturbahnhof. „So lernen sie, wie fleißig unsere Vorfahren were.“

Weitere Lesungen finden im Herbst fast wöchentlich statt. The grand finale in this month is a special Abend mit Musik, gemeinsamen Singen, Klaus Weigele and Saitenklimbim.

Two Buchtipps from Langweid

And weil Angelika Stemp Buchhändlerin ist, hat sie zum Schluss nor zwei Bücher empfohlen: Paradise Garden – Elena Fischer, (Diogenes 978-3-257-07250-1): Living with little Money in a Plattenbau, that’s the World of 14 -jährigen Billie. This will be done by mounting a larger assembly on the headstock. A road-history, the pride of the Tragik Warme verbreitet and one of the books at the end is easy to read and read.

Doppler – Thomas Oláh, (Heyne, 978-3-453-42994-9): A summer in the 1970s: a youngster went to a car accident in the Großeltern in a small Austrian Dorf-verfrachtet. This Welt is not part of Rituale. The time is for the youth to live their summer lives. Scattered with black humor, Thomas Oláh’s debut novel is witty, bold, hearty and very rich.

Der Kulturbahnhof Buch7 Am Langweider Bahnhof.

Der Kulturbahnhof Buch7 Am Langweider Bahnhof.
Photo: Marcus Merk (Archivbild)


Registration for the Märchenstunde (Spend fünf Euro) or the Kneipptermin (zehn Euro) can be made on telephone number 08230 273977780, or by e-mail to [email protected].