
New Trikots for the Rettenberger Jugendkicker

New Trikots for the Rettenberger Jugendkicker

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New Trikots for the Rettenberger Jugendkicker
The B-Jugendkicker from FC Rettenberg with his new Trikots. © private

With frischem Elan on the Platz: The FC Rettenbergs B-Jugend freut über the new Trikots.

Rettenberg – Stolz präsentierten kürzlich the B-Jugendkicker from FC Rettenberg in his new Trikots, the von der Firma Schweiger-Bau from Engelpolz, and the chef, Sylvest Schweiger, were sponsored. The young football power is more space and more motivation for new, modern outfits “kicking” through. Laut Markus Eberle, youth leader at FC Rettenberg, is a smaller football association that weighs a lot, if a sponsor takes it into account, the costs for new trikots, which here are more lying euros, zu übernehmen.

“The large expenditures that our sponsors make for insurance and support will probably no longer be necessary, but our youth will be able to continue to be strong and strong,” Jugendleiter Markus Eberle continues.

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