
New Citizen Initiative in Penzberg: Jetzt is serious – Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

It is worth using the Immobilienentwickler “Bayernwohnen” to start the construction of the Gebäude on the Bahnhof- and Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. Soul is a Bürgerentscheid, der nicht nur das historic Menagehaus in Penzbergs Innenstadt retten soll. I think we will see the other Bausubstanz that the Gasthof Bayerischer Hof (heute ein Indisches Lokal) and the Bäckerei Ahammer offers.

Günther Pfannkuch, Bärbel Bierling and Max Kapfer, all from Denkmalverein, have organized a citizens’ initiative. You strive for a citizenry. (Photo: Manfred Neubauer)

The Citizen Initiative (BI) with the names “Für den Erhalt der Menagehaus-Zeile” was formed by Max Kapfer, Günther Pfannkuch and Erich Sczepanski. Zum engereren Kreis heard ferner Bärbel Bierling and Waltraud Krähe. At a press conference, Kapfer, Bierling and Pfannkuch inform about their motivation, a citizen’s desire when starting. And the rush to the Punkt brought: The residential “Bayernwohnen” is one of the safe, closed Gebäudekomplex with two other Wohnhäusern in the back yard of the Areals factory, without all the best Gebäude weichen. This enormous building with all the work in the inner city – especially as a contribution to other construction projects in the Zukunft – is part of the Denkmalverein with its citizens. The project is a “monster, a vision of Bauwerk”, so Bierling. The city and the Bauamt look “nothing short of understanding” in historic cityscapes. As soon as the BI was published, the multi-faceted citizen involvement in the theme “Innenstadtentwicklung” was not found. The city of Penzberg has made a number of plans against the cost barriers. “It would be a shame to stop the initiative,” said Kapfer. “Was it a better and greater citizen as a citizen?”

The Penzberger Youth is active

More leaders, who could identify themselves with the Souls of the BI, will come. Pfannkuch hofft darauf, that is the young Penzbergerinnen and Penzberger who were called in. It seems that you are a Zukunft und het Gesicht in de Stadt. So when you are young, you have to live in the city, erklärte Pfannkuch. When the time has passed, the seriousness of the matter may still be in November. 1570 Unterschrift von Wahlberechtigten muss sie mindestens sammeln, om einen Bürgerentscheid anstoßen zu können. Currently, the initiative of the Fragestellung vom Verein “More Democracy” is open. “Everything is watertight,” said Bierling. The complete Frage lautet: „Since your visit to the Menagehaus and the history of the history of Penzbergs Innenstadt have been best lived?’

It is a bislang-sieben Bürgerentscheide in Penzberg. After all, we initiate a citizen’s relationship, and we also initiate a social relationship. Max Kapfer made his first visit to the Erhalt des früheren Gasthofs Staltacher Hof (geitert) in 2001. In 2008, a civilian separator went to the Bau a Tiefgarage on the Stadtplatz, on the Erfolg-hatte. In 2012, a citizen’s initiative prevented biomass kraftwerk in the Nonnenwald Industrial Park. 2015 and 2018 have been since the Penzberger and Penzbergerinnen became a hotel on or after the Gut Hub. Ebenfalls 2018 müsste die Bevölkerung entscheiden, ob das alte Wellenbad saniert soll, was abgelehnt wurde; or for the Neubau a Schwimmbads (Ratsbegehren), where you can eat more.