
Deutzer Kirmes started in Cologne: Highlights and opening times

Deutzer Kirmes started in Cologne: Highlights and opening times

80 Schausteller construction End of October ihre Fahrgeschäfte auf. A credible classmate looks at Deutz zurück.

From October 26 to November 3, the Deutzer Werft will be walking in a Kirmesgelände, the Tausende Besucher from Cologne and the Umgebung anzieht. Kirmesveranstalter Wilfried Hoffmann and beef 80 Schausteller beets a combination of traditional Fahrgeschäften and modern sogenannten “Thrill Rides”.

It’s free, all prices are cost effective. Family and group activities are called upon, and a bestimmten Tagen can use probe range boats that make a profit.

Kirmes’ statement reads:

29.10., 12:00 to 21:30

30.10., 12 to 9:30 p.m

31.10., 12 to 9:30 p.m

01.11., 6 to 10 p.m

02.11.12 to 22 hours

03.11., 11am to 9:30pm

That Kirmes is the best of the KVB. Die Haltestellen Deutzer Freiheit und Bahnhof Deutz since few Gehminuteen entfernt. You can enjoy playing with the KVB lines 1, 3, 4, 7 and 9. If you travel with your car, you can also enjoy the best parking spaces in the surrounding park houses.