
Life is strange Double exposure: Test-Wertungen in der Übersicht

Life is strange Double exposure: Test-Wertungen in der Übersicht

The test version of ‘Life is Strange: Double Exposure’ has become a bandbreite of reactions. A new criticism is a new title as a fortsetzung, while others are less influenced.

“Life is Strange: Double Exposure” wilted ab tomorrow at the market. Deck Nine is inspired by Max Caulfield in his disaster light and sets out to make a difference between emotional and natural elements. If you look at the criticism, you can view the following Wertungen.

Wertungen und Fazits in der Übersicht

The ratings for “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” are not well rated, with scores between 40 and 95. Criticism of life and the weiterentwicklung of history, see jedoch on Schwächen. Here is a click on the different impulses.

CGMagazine play the game as “the triumphant victory of a reefed Max Caulfield”. It is a paranormal mystery, which has other fans and newcomers all over the world. The publication is based on the Zählung of Metacritic 95 Punkte.

GAMING Bible ist with a score of 90 ebenfalls weit oben in der Rangliste vertreten and beschreibt das Spiel innerhalb der Serie als een reifere Version, met de Herausforderungen und Emotionen des Erwachsenseins authentic wiedergegeben were. “Aber si ist genauso unterhaltsam and herzerwarmend, wenn nicht sogar noch mehr”, says das Magazin.

Bond Gaming nexuscases with a value of 90, with “Double Exposure” another tiefgründiges Abenteuer with Max Caulfield, including a strong new exposure and a dangerous conflict. Smaller technical problems cannot be solved. “So warm-hearted, warm-hearted and emotional who eh and you,” the editors wrote.

PlayStation universe boost the weight of the title and the title as a separate moment for Deck Nine, Max and the “Life is Strange” Reihe. With a 90er Score, the magazine in the new volume is seen as the highest point of the Series.

Was it a criticism?

A tester performed a common test with a new application of “Double Exposure”. COGConnected Gain a score of 80 and lob the Drehbuch and the Character, but you will notice that the Finale could be possible with spalting signals. Dennoch sees the magazine in the Fortsetzung a gelungen Balance swiss Alt and Neu, the Erbe der Serie respects.

GamingTrend Zeit itself critical and vergibt 70 Punkte. The publication has the emotional themes of Schuld and Reue, which are deeply influenced by the underlying elements of history. Max’s characterization is related to the gelungener Aspekt description.

Push Square If you see Schwächen in the Erzählstruktur and the new Environment Caledon, it is Vergleich zu früheren Schauplätzen blass wirkt. Das Magazin scores a 60er score and notes: “Double Exposure is not a bad game, it is not the best version of the series.”

I have discovered the last part of the book that contains the publication Dexerto with a Wertung von 40, die Titel als Nebengeschichte denn als würdige Fortsetzung beschreibt. Ouch TechRadar Gamingcases with 40 points, criticism of the extreme gameplay of the franchise and the writing of the game as “sucking due to the effects of decay”.

Insgesamt comes “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” on one Metascore von derzeit 74 (PS5) bzw. 75 (Xbox, PC). I’ve fallen for the PS5 reviews of 62 percent positive, 32 percent average, and 6 percent negative. The complete Metacritic has provided an overview.

Read more about “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” on PLAY3.DE:

“Life is Strange: Double Exposure” will be released on October 29, 2024 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S will be released for PC. There is a version for the Nintendo Switch that follows a time-lapse sequence.

Read more about Life is Strange: Double Exposure.

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