
Bauernjugend-Video sorted by political Streit

Bauernjugend-Video sorted by political Streit

“Auch schlechte Werbung ist Werbung“, ob dieses Motto wirklich immer zutrifft? The Bauernjugend ensures the sale of a video production and that on the internet. Weil der Inhalt provokant ist, hagelte es gleich Kritik dafür: Der Landesbeirat für Chancengleichheit Suppose you die Frage, Who can it be that the Bauernjugend in a weather film is a targeted representation of sex addiction and alcohol expression is declared “cool” and that there is a guilty problem with a free pruch?

“The Kraft van Bildern und Worten would never have become a miss and a treatise for the Criminal Court is not a Spaß, under a seriousness Zunehmende Angelegenheit, because those Täter für ihr Handeln zur Rechenschaft were sucked in”, so the Landesbeirat.

“Gewalt’s Verharmlosung has no longer brought Frauen and Komasaufen into the image of an established Bauernjugend, with 151 Ortsgruppen and 9,000 Mitglieder the great Jugendorganization der Regio ist and in the many young Frauen active since. The stories of the Ortsgruppe are damaged by the image of the other Ortsgruppen, which are responsible for responsible work,” said the Beirats-Vorsitzende Ulrike Oberhammer.

Der Landesbeirat für Chancengleichheit there is a guilty debt der Ortsgruppe der Bauernjugend, de video in Auftrag gegeben hat. Another solution for avoidance is an urgent warning and a clarifying debt for the ortsgruppen of the South Tyrol Bauernjugend with a theme gewaltprävention.

Kritik auch von den Grünen

View the green criticism, including the video sexuelle Gewalt verharmlost wird. While the targeted actions initiated became a kind of Botschaften in the video, in any case, the man is less “betatschen” expensive. A Roter Spitzenslip is sad for Nässe and stinks, writes the Landtagsabgeordnete Brigitte Foppa moreover about a Szene in Video on Facebook.

“It was a pleasure to think about it, it would be a pleasure to think about it,” says Foppa. “That is disinterested, sexist and clever. Sexuelle Übergriffe, sexualisierte Gewalt, Vergewaltigung, that everything starts with the Augenzwinkern der Gesellschaft gegenüber diesen Straftaten. If you were not so patient, I think it is difficult, and perhaps even more passionate,” says Brigitte Foppa von den Grünen.

Blue Kritik and Kritikern

What you see differently is that this Freiheitlichen: Weil de Kritik am Werbevideo zeitgleich with the current events of the sexuellen Gewalt gegenüber einer jährigen in Bozen aufkam, ist für die Freiheitlichen The gegenwärtige relationship of the abscheulichen-rolled in Bozen through the green and the surrounding landbeirates for gambling heit are so unusual and multiplied.

Laut dem Freiheitlichen-Obmann Roland Stauer seehen this critical criticism on a comparison of Video of the Vöraner Bauernjugend, was again nachvollziehbar nor acceptable. The Freiheitlichen recruit the Greens for all, by abzulenken populist Inszenierungen of the owntlichen Problemen. The “blue” Government Party is responsible for the Einwanderungspolitik für Gewalt against Frauen.

The Bauernjugend Vöran hat mittlerweile das Video on dem Internet jeöschcht. The Veranstaltung goes further than the statistics.