
Individual statistics of the standard: Maßgeschneiderte Selbstfahrsysteme

Individual statistics of the standard: Maßgeschneiderte Selbstfahrsysteme

In the autonomous car companies, motorists can connect the architecture of the architecture with more advanced maintenance for their own skills. The new Driving Experience Platform said, who can do that Spagat.

Autonomous car. Self-driving vehicle on a road

The DXP platform is not so simple and has a complex power for autonomous driving functions. There are very lightweight OEMs that offer the option of starting production after production. (Image: scharfsinn86 –

Over the years, they have come to enjoy more and more of the Weichenstellungen over the years, while the industry opts for the lighter, wider positions. Statt zukunftsorientierte en skalierbare Lösungen zu etablieren, wurde durchgesetzt, was zu diesem Zeitpunkt am machbarsten erschien.

Erprobte Lösungen less Risiko beim autonomous Fahren

The problem is a dilemma of car repairer in the business of car repair with automated fahrfunktionen: it may be that individual cars break away and make a few simple cars, a way that the market of cars can buy. Other issues are the full-fledged Entwicklung eigener autonomous Fahrsysteme time-intensive, expensive costs and even a risky risk. The three Schlüsselself factors are separated for the inheritance of Sebstfahrsystemen:

  • Different types: the problems of motorists, sich von others Marken zu unterscheiden;
  • Skalierbarkeit: the non-original sources of the motorists, one of the car repairers who repair motorists will restore the car;
  • Minimizing risks: the problem of market forces during the execution of a time and cost plan.

Zahlreiche Ankündigungen ehrgeiziger, (bijargon) nicht verwirklichter Project in the last years, that these risks are not zu vernachlässigen. An alternative is a troubleshooting approach, which can make most auto repair shops more attractive.


Image 1: Direction, Plans, Trade – The fewer customers are involved, the greater the difference, and the risk for the car repairer. (Photo: Mobileye)

What, Plans, Acts – are we doing better?

Selbstfahrsysteme is based on all art of robotic basics of the principle: Wahrnehmen, Planen und Handeln (Bild 1): Zunächst would the bent wahrgemommen and then a viewing of was-wäre-wenn-szenarien das fahrverhalten defines, an anschließend diesen plan . Jedes Selbstfahrsystem-muss in der Lage Sein, dit drei voneinander gerennten Aufgaben zuverlässig en in Sekundenbruchteilen zu losen. For the Entwicklungprozess, ask yourself the question: Who lies the Border between the Components, um which themselves are more expensive, and, was the Motor Repairer himself involved? Here are gold-plated, different, limescale and risk minimization in their weight.

It is one of the experiences that is now involved in part of the sensory system – and also in the handling – and the car repairers determine the rest, so there is a higher weight and difference: the Vehicle Model is unique on the market. Others are concerned about the risks for the reteller, when the entity of a component and its integration into a highly complex system are cumbersome, time-consuming and expensive.

If the sensor achieves the sensory effect of the fahrverhalten – the plan – and the OEM now carries out the fahrzeug passed on actions (trade), the differentiation is small. If you see the hereditary easement of your specific auto repairers, the sources and caliber of the auto repairers and cross-border business are possible.

The universe is one-sided trends

The following options are available, the border is one of the best plans you can see. The sensor determines the sensor and is one of the options. Gleichzeitig bekommt der Automobilhersteller ausreichend Raum, een verhaltenselement of the Vehicles for individualization.

Here it is notorious, a definition of universal and composite items: Which aspects are suitable for all systems and which solutions differ? Die Sensorik (Wahrnehmung) is clear as a universe for classification. Die Art und Weise, wie die Fahrzeug Aktionen ausführt (Handeln), is putting an end to every day. The Fahrverhalten (Plan) als mittlerer Schritt setzt sich sowohl aus universelles as auch einzigartigen zammen: Einerseits ergibt sich das Fahrverhalten aus der Wahrnehmung, otherseits ist es auch maßgeblich for the letztendliche Fahrgefühl responsible.

Wann, Was, Wie – de Entscheidungskriterien van Mobileye DXP

Mobileye’s Driving Experience Platform (DXP) is a programming language that provides a universal and one-sided trend that organizes the discovery of the ‘Wann’, ‘Was’ and ‘Who’ (Figure 2). It was a whole universe, that’s a bit.

Two Beispiele: Ein Fahrzeug muss an eeninem Stoppschild anhalten (Was). Das Wie is jedem Fahrzeugmodell else – some bremsen später and stärker, other fresher and sharper. If the power in a Kreisverkehr müssen Fahrzeuge is separated, see in front or behind one of the fahrenden Fahrzeug an infahren. These separations fall into the category of individual auto repairer configurations.

Das Zusammenspiel von Automobilherstellern und Mobileye

Innerhalb are the best manufacturers (was and wann) that OEMs can buy through DXP undamaged packages with individual jewels, such as the implementation of a car’s braking function. Automobile repairer might not be able to use all the packages you implement, if you are in the market, while other differences are being resolved.


Image 2: The Driving Experience Platform that is universally composed and organizes the Entscheidungen nach Was, Wann and Wie. (Photo: Mobileye)

Dadurch können Autobauer Code puts together the right package, based on application parameters with Ort, Straßentyp, Vorschrift, Fahrmodus and Wetterbedingungen. Diemöglichte masseiderte discharges, die ich von der Konkurrenz abheben en gleichzeitig een narrow Integration zischen Sensorik und Fahrverhalten.

The DXP platform is not so simple and has a complicated capacity, which is low light, with the expert feedback on responding and producing new products. So the Risk of Entwicklungsverzögerungen and letztlich lost sich the Spannungsverhältnis of Differenzierbarkeit, Skalierbarkeit and Risikominimierung.

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