
Asteroids as Taxi to Mars? Develop a comprehensive plan for your future

Asteroids as Taxi to Mars? Develop a comprehensive plan for your future

asteroid, reisen, weltraum
Have you traveled to asteroids? Wahrscheinlich nicht. It’s possible that after the splash you’ll be a bald Wisser.
Johannes Habermehl

Johannes Habermehl 5 min

A trip to Mars is the great Soul of Weltraumforschung – and Forscher now has a revolutionary idea: Asteroids serve as “space objects”, which are possible to move the planets back and forth. Der Clou Daran? Stately rockets can use asteroids, which at some point, Mars and Venus appear, as “Hopping-Punkte” on the path that serves our planet. A team of Ukrainian scientists is looking for a natural, practical solution for such Weltraummissionen in this concept.

Warum der Mars für Astronauten offers unerreichbar ist

Mars trips are increasingly on the agenda of NASA and other welfare organizations. A flight to Mars is based on mixtures and saucers, water and other resources, one of the astronauts’ lives is safe. And that’s not all: the raumfahrer would make the long journey of enormously high Strahlungswerten – a healthy lastung, that fast and that Boundaries of the Zumutbaren stößt. Gleichzeitig führt de Schwerelosigkeit über Monate zu Muskel- en Knochenschwund en schwächt das Herz-Kreislauf-System.

A Ukrainian research team is AS Kasianchuk and VM Reshetnyk from Kiev University who have now made a fascinating discovery: Di.e. Wissenschaftler-analyses van de Flugbahnen van über 35.000 erdnahen Asteroiden. Das Ergebnis? About 120 dieser Asteroids regularly pass through Earth, Venus and Mars and can serve as “welcome buses”, which allow us to see the planets directly in front of us.

NEOs as natural Weltraum-Taxis? So soll’s gehen

These so-called NEOs (Near Earth Objects) fly on a stand through a solar system and can be carried out with “Taxis”. The journey of the journey is a success – on round 180 days for a flight from the earth to Mars! Asteroids cannot go beyond the transport of the planets, If the Schutzhülle serves a Strahlung, for everything, when Astronauts take off on one of the Oberfläche of the Asteroids.

This Asteroid journey wasn’t that long ago either, but it would certainly be a money maker for the well-being of the world. It is not the case that there are no more recovery orders before the Asteroiden-“Fähren” make bold start-ups.

NASA has been investigating other Asteroid candidates

The Forscher team from Ukraine has created an initial list of potential asteroids for the Weltraum Transfer. This is the first of the Anfang: With the new NEOs visiting the NASA Mission NEO Surveyor, this list cannot even be viewed once. The soul of NASA is that 90 percent of the objects examined are larger than 140 meters, you identify and analyze your Flugbahnen.

This “Asteroid Database” was the Grundlage, one of the most suitable time objects for building and the safest, closest Connecting of planets to the planet.

Herausforderungen on the road to Asteroiden-Fähre

Not a single asteroid is a natural environment. The Greater and Nähe zu den Soul Planets must be viewed. If the astronauts on the asteroids are on their own, they are separated: you can take time in the well-being of the Earth, which creates more risk from radiation and microgravity.

It is a good idea to find a suitable object, which can be used as a “tank stelle” for the back road served there – and ensure that the Oberfläche des Asteroiden is protected as a Strahlenschutz for the astronauts. If you are still new to the Way, the “Asteroid Hoppings” concept can offer you a practical and cost-saving solution in the long term.

Zukunftsvision: More favorable, environmentally friendlier and safer in all?

The idea of ​​asteroid development still has enormous potential. The natural sources of natural resources can help you, reduce the costs and general airflow of welfare missions and find the way that are all safe.

The idea may express itself, may be an answer to the greater reforms of the interplanetary space – and the interest and Marsreisen noch weiter anheizen!