
Forsthaus Rampensau is located in the Startlöchern – this Promis has been in Staffel since then

Forsthaus Rampensau is located in the Startlöchern – this Promis has been in Staffel since then

It’s no different!

Forsthaus Rampensau is located in the Startlöchern – this Promis has been in Staffel since then

Neun Promi-Paarungen is in the Zweiten Staffel “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” zu sehen.

Neun Promi-Paarungen is in the Zweiten Staffel “Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” zu sehen. –

Joyn/Nadine Rupp

“Forsthaus Rampensau Germany” is in a new Runde!

The second staffel started on Saturday, November 30, and will be celebrated with two subsequent premieres with joy. If Mal in Carinthia is a Sieg-kämpfen world, it is possible for this to happen.

Auch Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein are there

In those years, Peter Klein (57), the Noch-Ehemann of Iris Klein (57), and the ‘vertraute’ Yvonne Woelke (44) were with the party. They are both in the background of the affair in the Schlagzeilen and watch “Promi Big Brother” (Klein) or “Das grote Promi-Bußen” (Woelke) on Reality TV. Gemeinsam stands for “Wettkampf in four Wänden” (streaming here on RTL+) for the room.

As Reality TV Neulinge, the Schauspieler Marvin Linke (31, “Ostwind”-Reihe) and Béla Klentze (35, “Alles was zählt”) appear in the Selbstversorgerhaus. Ginger Costello-Wollersheim (37) was surrounded by Stiefsohn Alain Wollersheim (22) in the world of reality TV. Were “Promi Big Brother” Teilnehmerin Emmy Russ (24) and Dschungelcamper Cosimo Citiolo (42) separated? Laut Ankündigung bilden sie a Duo, “ohne vorab voneinander gewusst zu haben”.

Lese-Tipp: Bank Gibt Yvonne Woelke no more money – jetzt muss Peter Klein helfen!

As a “real” couple, Reality-TV-Teilnehmerin is Carina Nagel (25) and her Verlobte Chika (25) with dabei, ebenso wie Nico Schwanz (46) and their partner in Viktoria “Dodi” Schuler (29). Reality TV heritage brings Jona Steinig (28) and Micha Schüler (26), the TV painters Luisa Krappmann (22) and Gina Alicia (26) and “GNTM” model Noëlla Mbomba (26) and “DSDS” Sternchen Melody Haase (30) with.

I lost years with Diogo Sangre and Kumpel “Flocke” at the end of the Siege with nach Hause nehmen.

Lese-Tipp: Jetzt shoots Yvonne Woelke against the Promi-Ladys

Im Video: Liebesnest with Peter Klein? Jetzt packs Yvonne Woelke from here