
Ravioli in Tomato Soße – with the Champi-Parmesan cheese trick

Ravioli in Tomato Soße – with the Champi-Parmesan cheese trick

“Ravioli in Tomatensoße” is one of the most popular tests in a fertig-oriented way. The goal is to cook yourself, it’s not that complicated, it’s so delicious!

While the fresh mushrooms and freshly baked Parmesan cheese make up the filling of the Rinderhackfleisch in diesem, there is a different, genüsslich aromatic taste. Zerstoßene Fenchelsamen, een wenig Stangensellerie und Knoblauch sorgen für noch more Würze. The tomato varieties are no longer that good, but the pick-your-own ravioli can no longer resemble the show.

When reworking nude deltas, it is completely done in a short time, handiwork is also required for the production process.

Directions for 4 Portions:

4 Egg (Größe M)
400 g Weizenmehl (Type 00)
2 Zwiebeln
2 Zehen Knoblauch
1 Stange Sellerie
150 g Mushrooms (brown)
1 TL Fenchelsamen
3 tbsp Butter
150 g Rinder-Hackfleisch (from nachhaltiger sour)
150 ml Volmilch
60 g Parmesan cheese (am Stück)
2 tbsp Ricotta
1 tbsp Olive oil
800 g passion tomatoes
1 tbsp Tomato brand
1 TL Oregano (getrocknet)
10 g Basil (fresh)


1. Nudelteig zubereiten: Bake and paint an egg in a bowl. Mehl nach en nach with a Gabel unterschlagen. When all the dishes are mixed with the sautéing of the hands, it will take 10-15 minutes before it is too long (until it is elastic). Den Teig packs airtight at Zimmer temperature for approx. 1 Stunde Ruhenlassen.

2. Die Füllung zubereiten: Zwiebel und Knoblauch schälen und fein würfeln (die Halfte für die Tomatensoße beiseitelegen). Seller washes, abtrocknen und ebenfalls fein würfeln. Mushrooms gf. säubern and in small Würfel Schneiden. Fenchelsamen mörsern.

3. Fry the mushrooms with 1 tablespoon of butter in one go at a higher temperature until crispy brown. Aus der Pfanne nehmen en in een Schüssel vol.

4. Dann das Hackfleisch in der Pfanne ohne Fett at higher temperature cozy braun anbraten. Reduce heat. 1 tbsp Butter with Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Sellerie and half of the zerstoßenen Fenchelsamen dazugeben and approx. 5 Minutes mitrates, bis die Zwiebeln weich sind. Milch dazugeben and approx. 30 minutes smaller Hitze köcheln welding.

5. Parmesan cheese finely chopped. Mix the Fleisch zu den Pilzen in the Schüssel with 2 tbsp Ricotta and a glass of Parmesan intestine. With Salz und Pfeffer kräftig abschmecken.

6. Prepare the Tomato Soße: In addition, place Zwiebel- and Knoblauchwürfel in 1 tbsp Butter and 1 tbsp Olivenöl for about 5 minutes at a lower temperature. Residual Fennel, Oregano, Tomato Mark and Passionate Tomatoes are washed and with Salz and Pfeffer removed. Approx. 15 minutes at a lower temperature and a better temperature of the dish.

7. Make sure you knead it thoroughly, roll it thinly and cut it into approx. 10 cm wide stretch marks. Pro Ravioli approx. 1 TL Fill with an depth of approx. 5 cm on the surface. Then the long term part is the full blow and a full event that is less celebratory. Cut the ravioli into small squares with a knife and loosen the surrounding edges with the sinkers of a Gabel.

8. Sprinkle the ravioli in lightly salted water for about 5 minutes and cook. Take the water and enjoy it in the tomato sauce. Wash the basil, pull the schütteln and hack that Blätter grob.

9. Serve the Ravioli in the Tomato Soße and garnish with the remaining Parmesan cheese and fresh basil.

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