
Zahl der Toten Steigt – Sturm rollt auf nächste Millionen-Metropole zu

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Other things are the region around Valencia. See videos and images to see how dramatic the Unwetter-Lage is for Ort.

The Most Important in
that article

  1. Unwetter Catastrophe in Spain: Storm rolls into Barcelona – Wind and strong rain in the Metropol region
  2. “Furchtbare Catastrophe”: Deutschland bietet Spanien Unterstützung an – Auch EU will Unwetterhilfe leisten
  3. Zahl der Todesopfer in Spanien stigt – Spanisch Behörden sprechen von mindestens 63 Toten bij Unwetter
  4. Schwere Unwetter in Spain – Hochgeschwindigkeitszug engleist
  5. Unwetter met more Provinces in Spain – More than 400 Liters of Rain pro Quadratmeter
  6. Dramatic Scenes from Spanien – Wassermassen entwickeln zu reißendem Fluss

Update from October 30, 3:12 PM: In Spain from October 31 to November 1, a threat from the Staatsstrauer was carried out by the Minister for Territorial Politics, Ángel Víctor Torres, at a press conference. The king has been informed. Torres speaks of minds 62 Todesopfern, further information about the missing persons do not lie. The vermittle “the enormous Ausmaß der Tragödie.”

Update from October 30, 2:50 PM: “The whole world is with us,” said the Spanish Prime Minister about those affected by the Unwetters. “We have already made every effort to improve the overall quality. We are not very happy with it.” Alleine in Valencia is more than 1000 soldiers of the military nothilfeeinheit UME in Einsatz.

I am on TV with an RTVE reporter from “kriegsähnlichen Szenen” in the Straßen der Mittelmeer-Metropole. These cars were of the Wassermassen erasst and even more stacked. “That’s who the Hölle is,” said an resident. A Rentner, who was grateful to him, said under the tears: “It was a shame, thank you, thank you, to my protection, who have helped me.”

Update from October 30, 2:41 PM: Bereits am Dienstagnachmittag (29. October) war that affects Gemeinde Paiporta von vehementem Starkregen. Der Fluss Magro trat über die Ufer en orgte für überschwemmungen. Jetzt erhöht Bürgermeisterin Maribel Albalat de Zahl der Todesopfer auf “Dutzende”. The community was very happy within 15 minutes of being able to produce large amounts of water.

Unwetter-Catastrophe in Spain: Sturm rollt auf Barcelona zu

Update from October 30, 2:14 PM: Jetzt is the Wetterdienst at the Risikostufe in Barcelona, ​​​​for everything and the Coasts. At 3.15 pm dry here Strong rain with 40 liters pro Quadratmeter. A great mix, which can easily be compared with the Wassermassen of Valencia. In Barcelona gold-plated darüber hinaus with a orange finish Sturmwarnung.

This urgent warning can be used in Northeast and Southwest of Spain.
This urgent warning can be used in Northeast and Southwest of Spain. © Alberto Saiz/picture alliance/dpa/AP/Aemet

Update from October 30, 1:45 PM: Alarm Management in the Provinz of Cádiz. Here is the illegitimate first sad Ausmaße one. Wasser started, on the streets of Jerez zu stauen, messages User on Platform The Bürgermeister of Chiclana de la Frontera warned that the Fluss Iro could take over the Uferten and the Zentrum of 87,000-Einwohner-Gemeinde überfluten.

Laut dem Wetterdienst Aemet dared to first experience the Unwetterlage in Spain in the Donnerstag.

Update from October 30, 1:21 PM: Laut El Pais If the Spanish Defense Ministry is established, the money will no longer be financed by the Schlamm in the overfluteten activities. Deshalb habe die Behörde tragbare Leichenschauhäuser angeboten.

“Furchtible Catastrophe”: Germany is suffering from the collapse of Germany

Update from October 30, 1:02 PM: The German Federal Government has established Spanien Unwetterhilfe. “We are in direct contact with the Spanish Regierung, based on the support of the German authorities for these future disasters,” stated the management spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit in Berlin.

Until the EU will help. “We are prepared to activate our Catastrophe Protection,” said EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels. The Copernicus satellite system is active if the coordination of the rettungskräfte is interrupted.

“Historisches Unwetter” in Spanien – Mindestens 63 Menschen kamen ums Leben

Update from October 30, 12:56 PM: Der Wetterdienst Aemet spoke of X as a “historical Unwetter”. It is the best way to call “Kalte Tropfen”, in the Valencia region in these years. It is a trade in a Wetterphänomen, which takes place in the Spanish Mittelmeer Region between September and October. Aber nicht in diesem Ausmaß.

Zahl der Todesopfer in Spanjesteigt

Update from October 30, 12:42 PM: The Spanish Catastrophe Protection Organization corrects the Zahl der Todesopfer nach oben. Mindestens 63 People lost ihr Leben both de Unwettern.

Update from October 30, 11:30 am: The illegitimate area originated from Valencia in Andalusia, a little from East in South-South. A map said the affected regions in Spain are not involved.

Update from October 30, 10:55 am: After the storms in the large parts of Spain, the Einsatzkräfte in the specially affected Mittelmeerregion Valencia would be possible. Old roads or other roads now block before Hubschrauber were jellied, as José Miguel Basset of the Feuerwehr der Provinz Valencia der Nachrichtenagentur Europapress.

German people reported as missing, who El Pais message set. Heavy rain showers involve hail and strong winds. In the Andalusian kitchen of El Ejido, Almería is not active, while Hagel suffers a violent attack on the night of his shift, during which Felder and Hunderte are damaged. “Those Hagelkörner were such big golf players,” says Landwirtin Mercedes González (46) El Pais. “Es schien wie der Weltuntergang.”

Schwere Unwetter in Spain

After the Commonwealth of Álora boomed, it went over the Road of Malaga after the war in Madrid. There were 270 people on the board, who were left behind by the Spanischen Bahngesellschaft Renfe aber nicht.

The rainy area, where the Tagus were located, could become war, so that the Northeast could see again. A warning has emerged for the majority of the gilded countries. First on the Donnerstag the low in Spain was completely tensed, the part of the Wetterdienst Aemet mit.

A woman looks from her balcony at the car that has been driving on the road after crossing it.
A woman looks from her balcony at the car that has been driving on the road after crossing it. © Alberto Saiz/dpa

Ignorants meet more Provinzen in Spain

First notification on October 30: Valencia – After all, Italy will continue with a grim, unlawful war, and now some of the Spaniards are in camps with grim rains and storms. “Wir können bestätigen, dass Tote gefunden wurden”, said the Prime Minister of the Autonomen Gemeinschaft Valencia, Carlos Mazón in the Night on Mittwoch. After the Valencian direction, 51 people came to live. After a message from the Zeitung El Pais spirits and people were missing in the southern province of Albacete.

Media messages should reflect the next morning’s warnings on the insgesamt 17 autonomous community of the countries. Heavy rain showers involve hail and strong winds that the Wetterdienst Aemet Mitteilte has. Check whether the Stromausfällen are good. Flüsse traten über die Ufer, velderorts wurden Straßen, Häuser und Felder überschwemmt, Autos und Bäume von den Wassermassen mitgerissen. In particular, those affected were those who believed in Urlauberinnen and Urlaubern and the middle-border regions of Andalusia, Murcia and Valencia. Look at the sharp Niederschläge on the Mittelmeer-Insel Mallorca for the Überschwemmungen.

Erschreckende Bilder from Valencia: Wassermassen whistle completely Straßen. Unwetter tobten in gleich more Provinzen Spaniens.
Erschreckende Bilder from Valencia: Wassermassen whistle completely Straßen. Unwetter tobten in gleich more Provinzen Spaniens. © Montage: ALBERTOJOSEGAR4/Pain_Bsc/X

The intense rainfall has occurred in all Valencia-affected areas. Auf Bildern ist das Ausmaß recogninbar: Hochwasser Flutet zahlreiche Häuser, Autos schwimmen die Straßen entlang, Menschen müssen aus ihren Wohnungen gettet. Laut Aemet kamen innerhalb weniger Stunden more like 400 Liters per Quadratmeter vom Himmel.

Dramatic Scenes from Spain

The Ausmaß der Unwetter-Katastrofe in Spain has been recognized on social media. More people tell images about the affected areas, but can also come from the autonomous province of Valencia. Ein Nutzer writes about a video on the platform Darauf zu recognize ist, wie Wassermassen and Häusern vorbeistromen and themselves cleanly travel Fluss entwickeln. Chiva lies few kilometers west of Valencia.

Wetter-Verband best Tornado near Valencia

There are no strong rain showers that used a Tornado, but more videos have been recognized. Avamet, der Verband für Meteorologie in Valencia, bestätigte die Sichtung. The view of the Wirbelsturm between the Orten Carlet and Alginet, in the south of Valencia, the railway and the sorting into an industrial area for Schäden. In another video on the X platform you see the Tornado Dachziegeln through the Straße and a Tankstelle fegt.

Darüber, more Flughafen Valencia can be established. I am currently on duty (October 29) with your account posted on X and a video. Darauf since Flugzeuge zu recognize, that in Wasser stehen – Start- and Landebahn will soon be walking in a Lake.

Who, among other things, das Portal Okay Diario message, is in the Valencian community Picanya a bridge over a fluss eingestürzt.

President Mazón has stoked the hamburger, his home user is no longer willing to die in the Province of Valencia. “We are in the new flue channels or tunnels, sollte den höchsten and nächstgelegenen Punkt suchen,” says Mazón. During the night they lived in the affected areas in Spain and there are more benefits for residential and residential living. (ascending/dpa)