
These were serious Entscheidungen

These were serious Entscheidungen

Gerhard Böhling looks back on 20 years as Bürgermeister von Schortens zurück. In this Zeit-prägte, the City with Entscheidungen is an erlebte Erfolge aber auch Herausforderungen. Was there a plan for that Zukunft?

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Schortens – 20 Jahre, 240 Monate, 1043 Wochen, 7305 Tage oder 175.320 Stunden: Seit zwei Jahrzehnten ist Gerhard Böhling Bürgermeister der Stadt Schortens, jede Stunde, Minute und Sekunde. A novelty, it is true that autumn occurs often. 20 years, in passion it fell. 20 years, the warming will become woolly. Unsere Redaktion has spoken with Böhling and commented on his bisherige Amtszeit.

Sour person

Gerhard Böhling arrives from Blomberg in the Wittmund district and its gelernterverwaltungsangestellter. My Anschluss und Seine Ausbildung haut ein Fachhochschulreife in de Oldenburgsmacht, is danach in de Wehrdienst und anschließend zur Stadt Emden gewechselt. Nebenbei hat er a study-graduation assignment als diplom-verwaltungswirt erolgreich absolviert.

Since 1990 in Böhling in Schortens, where they begin as leaders of the business and personal matters. Außerdem was er Allgemeiner Vertreter des Gemeindedirektors Wolfgang Schmitz. On November 1, 2004, Böhling was born first of all Bürgermeister von Schortens gewählt.

Der 66-Jährige has been working with Ehefrau Gabriele since 1980. Knowing you since a few months in 1977, I know and love that you are on a “wild Hippie fete”. “That was the best and most important celebration of my life, we want to know my life and love it,” said Böhling. 1986 kam ihr Sohn Sven zur Welt.

I am Laufe der Jahre there are a few things and features needed. Seit Bestehen in 2005 is the Böhling Vorsitzender of the Zweckverbandes Jade-Weser-Park. Außerdem is a Prüfungsausschusssvorsitzender for Verwaltungsfachangestellte at the Lower Saxony Study Institute Oldenburg, supported by OOWV and in the Präsdium des Kommunalen Arbeitgeberverbandes-tätig.

You might die one day. Der Mittlerweile 66-Jährige ist in Fryslân der Dienstälteste Bürgermeister. An Amtszeit of sage and writing lasts 20 years throughout Lower Saxony sehr selten sein. “If you are a good citizen, you will be a part of your country’s service life,” says Böhling, since 1990 in Schorten’s life.


In all these years it is Bürgermeisteramtes natural to separate some things, both positive and vermeintlich negative Natur. As a blesser separates the dividing line of the Umbau and the Sanierung des Hallenbades. Aber auch the Erweiterung der Gewerbebiete or der the Citytwerdung together with Erreichen des Status as autonomous Gemeinde stehen bei ganz oben auf der Liste. Genauso wie der Umbau des Bürgerhauses.

I’m going to the 66-Jährige auch seine größten Erfolge. “On the other hand, the Neuausrichtung unserer Bäder”, it says. “Viele trauern dem Freizeit- und Erlebnisbad Aqua Toll nach. Now, a million euros have been earned from a Zuschuss Prize. A large part of the prosperity is no more than a Zielmark of 300,000 Euro Zuschuss per year. The children learn to swim and their experiences are great. The nature-free bath is located in a bathing lake and enjoys the leased camping pitch. We are happy with our money, we are happy with our business.”

A Mann of the People

With all separations it is possible to delete a seiner page. “Here is a grateful place in an uncertain city. It is not self-declared that a city ordinance by the hereditary orders is prepared to come,” Böhling concreted. “That’s not a problem in Schortens. I have tolle Mitarbeitende and an inengaggierten Personalrat with these a good Zusammenarbeit gibt.”

Wo es Erfolge gibt, gibt es auch Niederlagen. “Davon rede ich eigentlich nicht,” said Böhling with a grin. “If the city switches off the city, the last May expansion has started, it’s a stretch to say it’s a switch. Auch das ist mein Job.” Darüber is the family that has solidified on its Beziehung in the Bürgern der Stadt. “I am one of my own,” it says.

End of 2026

Because it happens so often that Sitzungen and Beschlüssen will go together at some point, the Böhling will be in Magen. “The absence of children in the country was an unbequeme entscheidung,” says the Administrative Chef. If you do this, is it a fact that you would otherwise want to remain separated? “The Werbepylon was not yet ready to be installed. Dieser Streit hat unnötig Kraft, Zeit und Energie kostent“, says it. A würde is a very young assessment. “Stop being healthy and don’t worry about it.”

Seine Amtszeit ends on October 31, 2026. Four candidates are on the way to the alternative border, the obwohl has only just begun. Plan for the time that you will be able to make it. „With my love Frau Gabriele fell journey and the common time enjoy. It started in the 20 years when things went wrong,” said Böhling. “If you get the impression that the Wahlkämpfe with accompaniment is often zurückgesteckt. If you do it right, it will happen in your heart. If I were politically successful, I wouldn’t be either.”

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