
Who is the war in the Geburtstag in the Heidepark?

Ownership is another History: Ihren 18. Geburtstag, also for 17 years, Feierten Bill and Tom Kaulitz (35) in Freizeitpark Heide Park Resort in Soltau. In the podcast “Baywatch Berlin” Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (41) speaks about Thema wieder an. Bill and Tom go into their podcast in “Senf aus Hollywood” dazu …

Bill Kaulitz in action: Here’s what you see on “The Voice”

In the “Baywatch Berlin”-Podcast, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf and his Mitstreiter Jakob Lundt and Thomas Schmitt grübelt, who fell Money on the Tokyo-Hotel-Zwillinge damals who no longer wanted. Schließlich visited the Heide Park in Soltau in 2007.

If so, Bill Kaulitz will rat out freely in 2023. Während an episode of “Wer stiehlt mir die Show?” message is in the März locker about the action: “I couldn’t go to the park without having to go to the park.” Lately, Tokyo Hotel Superstars and the growing fan base had been under siege. If we go to a leisure park, we will miss a few mites anyway. Bill went on to say, “We dare to keep driving our cars and then die with the Brezel if we find out.”

Im Clip: Bill Kaulitz tends the Ganzen Heide Park with his Geburtstag gemietet

Senf from Hollywood: Bill and Tom Kaulitz load their Podcast Beef

Damals konnte Show-Moderator Joko Winterscheidt kaum fassen, thats Bill and Tom thats sucked hats. “I knew so much about Angelina Jolie and all that,” he said. The theme of Jokos Entertainer-Partner Klaas Heufer-Umlauf is not so focused on loose welding.

Anyway, Bill Kaulitz has found a clear answer to the cost, which Joko shows how he “Does the show work?” stell. “The Gage isn’t hidden here, but it could get better,” Bill grinned.

After Klaas appeared on the “Baywatch Berlin” podcast, the world was blown away, while Bill and Tom were absorbed in the following podcasts “Kaulitz Hills – Senf aus Hollywood”. Of course on your art: safe and sufficient.

More news about Bill Kaulitz

Bill and Tom Kaulitz meet Joko and Klaas on the Schippe

The fragment after the exact price is on that little weed. Tom meinte, it has been said that “it is no longer possible.” Bill says: “Der Heide Park has become a verb that no longer works. It won’t be that way anymore.”

Danach powers itself both lustful gratitude, and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf so that a financial action can vote. “Is it of course an exclusive Kreis. One of the masters of ‘Baywatch Berlin’ who can live his life? I am: yes,” said Bill.

“Die stecken voll”, by the singer, is supposed to be about the financial possibilities of the colleges. “And that since so wellche, that es nicht Zeigen.” Tom blurted out: “That woolly cousin, that’s man’s white.”

Bill Munterte dann auf: “Genau, aber ich sage euch: Macht’s doch, mietet ihn euch. Ihr könnt’s euch leisten, ihr with eurer Tiefkühlpizza and the geese Podcasts and geese TV productions.”

Would you like to read more about Tom?

Bill Kaulitz: “I have more money when I want it”

Bill stated clearly: “Wir lieben euch sehr and ich finde euch wahnsinnig tol.” Tom stamped his attack with money: “Wir lieben euch, aber ihr könnt ruhig ab und zu mal raushauen.” Bill Mutmaßte Ohnehin: “Aber ihr habt veldleicht noch mehr Geld als wir.”

Money, the man is not permanently distributed in the Kollegenkreis. Bill: “Dann made a bad impression.” Tom had an open investigation: “I have a great experience with my TV and my TV show. That’s Joko, Klaas and the whole Clique. We love it all, we have a good relationship, but we don’t talk about money.” – and yet you have the power to do so.”

Florida Entertainment is the company that created a similar format of a Joko and Klaas from “Duell um die Welt” to “Late Night Berlin” to “Werst de show?” produced.

Schaue dir Staffel 5 van “Wer stihlt mir die Show?” with Bill Kaulitz and

Tom Kaulitz vermutet: “That’s all Sparfüchse”

Bill and Tom sucked the Thema – and the Kollegen – nor a bisschen weiter auf. “Wir erase, was ihr privat für Autos fahrt.” Tom Dazu: “Genau, we will see all the unsympathetic cars.” Bill obendrauf: “Klaas, liebe Grüße. Wir haben die gleiche Karre, deine war foutleicht noch teurer.”

Then there are latent schlechtes Gewissen ein, aber nur kurz: “Das find die jetzt aber nicht gut, aber da müssen sie jetzt with life.” Denn, so Tom: “Yes, they have the money theme.”

Then it was said: “Und jetzt das Ding: Ihr könnt es euch locker leisten, dass zum Geburtstag zu machen. Es tut weh, aber weil ich eben auch glaube, dass alle Sparfüchse sind. Die fahren black prollige Autos, aber ansonsten since es Sparfüchse.”

Bill ergänzte: “Leistet euch but still a leisure park zum Geburtstag. Finanziell is still possible.” Es folgte Toms abschließender Appell zum Gönnen: “Haut but mal einen raus. Bleibt with us – enjoy our life!”