
Der Freiberger Christmarkt is about the Treasures

Der Freiberger Christmarkt is about the Treasures


Freiberg. The Freiberger Christmarkt, one of the most popular Christmas markets in Germany, will appear on the Obermarkt that year from November 26 to November 22. Under the motto “Original mountain männisch in Erzgebirge”, the market is one of Freiberg’s most important mountain building sites located in the beautiful night of the Silberstadt.

Über 90 festive decoration Holzhütten beets are traditional, handicrafts and regional specialties. In addition to the authentic details of the “Bergmannisch” details, which can all be found on the Christmarkt: vom “Schmelzer”, the only verarbeitte and the most popular Erzgebirgs-Glühwein-serviert, are his Ausstellungsstücken from the Bergbau.

Die Pyramid

Another attraction is the Pyramid, which has been the Herzstück on the Market since 1978. The artistic design, eight-meter high construction presentations on the most common figures, the original historical Berg- and Hüttenleuten nachempfunden since. Since 2020, the environment of the year 2020 has seen 46 Holz Figures, the details that reflect Uniforms and the Berufe der Freiberger Knappschaft wider. Make sure that the uniforms of the historical parade are carried out, in addition to the living mountain parade that includes hölzernen figures.

At 26. November at 15 pm you can visit the celebration of the 33. Freiberger Christmarkts with Märchenzug vom Schloss Freudenstein über the Burgstraße to experience the Obermarkt. The children celebrate the 33rd Freiberger Christmarkt with “Baumanzünden und Pyramideanschieben” together with Weihnachtsmann, Engel, Silberstadtkönigin and Oberbürgermeister Sven Krüger.


On Sunday, the 1st of December at 14 o’clock we will be able to enjoy the beautiful pieces of the Riesenstollen, and we will have a lot of fun with it.

Bergparade and Mettenschicht

A height of the market is the Bergparade in the Fackelschein, which started on September 7 through the city to see and the narrow Verbundenheit Freibergs with the Bergbau spürbar might. The Parade, followed by a beautiful mountain sermon, is a final spectacle, the experience of life and enjoyment and the traditional celebration of a unique experience in the life and work of the mountain.

In Familie basteln, bummeln, shopping and Eislaufen am Schloss

The Freiberger Christmarkt offers many activities for the whole family. In the “Kleinen Bergwerkstatt” you can learn more about the tradition of mountain building art and creative Christmas gifts. To stimulate the activity, a Eisbahn am Schloss Freudenstein is a festive concert and a nightly performance, the program of the market is very zen. The romantically experienceable Altstadt-lädt and the gift packages Sonntagen, am 1. and 3. Advent, zum gedehnten Bummeln and Einkaufen ein.

The Freiberger Christmarkt is not even a Christmas market, but an experience that is a little less in the history of the region and connects the Advent season with Bergmanian time. So there is a way to make a single flight into the white world of the Ore Mountains, the tradition of the world and the festive Stimmung Freibergs in a later stage of the Glanz.