
Cheyenne Ochsenknecht will spend some time with Papa Uwe

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht will spend some time with Papa Uwe

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht

We would love to spend your holidays without Papa, your wife will

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht spoke during the Weihnachten in October. Einladung zur Feier sollte ihr Vater Uwe Ochsenknecht besser nicht warten.

In few weeks, we celebrate Christmas nights. Auch Cheyenne Ochsenknecht has made a plan for the Feiertage geschmiedet. Looking forward to finding out about the Fest of Papa Uwe (68) and Frau Kirsten Viebrock.

Find out about Mama Natascha (60). If you say: “It is true that you may try for a few years, your wife and your wife will be even more burdened, but she will not be hurt and will no longer be able to stop the bad Schluss.”

The family is no longer a priority for Uwe Ochenknechts

Cheyenne concrete allergies, if your father naturally chooses the family, it cannot be that nothing exists.’ Dennoch first wants to get the feeling that it is no longer as big as his family. Gegenüber “Gala” said: “It is a stop at a Sache der Prioritäten. If you are free on a bench in Mallorca, then so be it.”

The 24-year-old hat originated in a little family of its own. With my Mann Nino hat is childish – a daughter and a son. Nino and Cheyenne visit a Bauernhof in Austria together. In the Doku-Soap “Unser Hof – Mit Cheyenne und Nino” the Alltag is shown on the Hof.

Von Luisa Maria Stickerer (ls)

This is the Discussion of Ochsenknecht-Damen

It is a Swiss Cheyenne and my mother Natascha Ochsenknecht, who will never go to the sky again, she said in conversation with During the performance of the “Blauer Panther” the Mutter-Tochter-Duo performed in the black sequins in the Wette. Darauf angesprochen ließ Natascha has commented on the Cheyenne for the augenrolls-sorgte.

That lusty phrase will appear in the video.

Ein Satz von Mama Natascha brings sie in Rage

Cheyenne Ochsenknecht: Ein Satz von Mama Natascha brings sie in Rage