
New ‘Life is Strange’ game: Trauerarbeit between the worlds

New ‘Life is Strange’ game: Trauerarbeit between the worlds

A new wife, a new boyfriend, an attractive job – Maxine Caulfield has gotten a new job. The photography requested has a stipend and an appointment at Caledon University in the American state of Vermont, where they have now been trained as ‘photographer in residence’ for decades. But a trauma from the experience of the new life.

Max has a good idea here, maybe a man. And yet the Catastrophe, which will last for years and part of the ‘Life is Strange’-Reihe erzählt wurde, nor allzu present: A Verbrechen und een Kleinstadt-College, Machtmissbrauch, an apocalyptic Wirbelsturm. Damals must be Max himself – and with his game – I am divorced, with his friend Chloe or the city was opfert were sollte. If there is an excessive burden, the Wahl can exert power, but Max no longer appropriates it. If Todesfall is a mysterious person, he lost Caledon University.

Paralleluniversen statt Zeitreise

The Ausgangslage of “Life is Strange: Double Exposure” (German: “Doppelbelichtung”) is probably versprechend – and the computer games play, after “Life is Strange” 2015 a new maßstäbe in a medium setzte. The episodes that have produced a structural Coming-of-Age drama have depicted the main and secondary figures: Ihre Gefühle, ihre Sprache, auch das, was zwischen den Zeilen kommuniziert wurde – all that was ungewohnt nuances.

For the spannung of Max’s excessive tension, the time of life and the laurel wreath of the things he did, the game was one of the ways in which moral entscheidungen played out. The game has shocking moments and melancholic verunkenheit – which neither the Western music and the indie-folk soundtrack (Mogwai, Amanda Palmer usw.) nor another world. Where can other people’s playing be a man sitting on the couch and playing the guitar?

‘Life is Strange’ war of the Ausgangspunkt for a feature film with many characters and protagonists, ‘Life is Strange: Double Exposure’ is now one of the first stories and introduces Max as the main character. When Freundin Safi makes one of the Schusswunde movements on Campus, Max has the power to kill him.

Kaal notes that it is of the utmost importance: it can no longer be the case that time goes no further than a parallel journey and a return journey. In one world Safi is ready, in the others aber nor alive, aber offenbar ebenfalls in greater Gefahr; auch other Handlungsstränge is uninterestschiedlich entwickelt. Max versucht now, Safis Leben zu retten, indem sie both Welten erforscht – and here who influences the History.

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The standard Weltenwechsel hat durchau seinen Reiz. And then, when Max talks more about the people who play a role in “Double Exposure”: his nerds, it was a thoughtless friend Moses, various university students of his own ages, the head of the student union “Abraxas” or also the Bartender, Max starts flirting intensely.

In the conversation and the parallel publication of social media posts, the motives and question of the person and the setzt-dies Erase are brought together about a puzzle; with my Polaroid camera documentation on the subject. Player: in the dialogue, by Max whether he is conducting an investigation or investigating an inquisitor. Wirklich toll is dabei speziell die Mimik der Figuren gelungen – with Details wie nervösem Blinzeln, Stirnrunzeln order a wandering high in Mundwinkel. If the German synchronization can take place, this is no longer possible.

Unglaubwürdige Figuren, behauptete Konsequenzen

Weniger überzeugend ist everything, was “Double Exposure” with the self-chosen power – these stories are often very clear. A hairstyle is Max’s self-image, as his inheritance, that his friends go through life in his wallet – and in the dialogue there can be no doubt whatsoever. Manche Figuren react auf Max’ bisweilen sehr seltsame Fragen (“Wo würdest du deine Wertsachen verstecken?”) with irritating Gleichmut and in Nachgang mit schierer Amnesie. If all goes well, the game is regular for mixing concrete, whether it is a separation “Consequences haben wird”.

There are many actions that allow the company to undergo major change. When the game is played, it is often a goal: Etwa dann, when Max first opens the Uni-Bar nach Details, before he can even speak to the Barfrau. Or if you make a schlüssel routine from another means of transport is a safe way to transport.

Trotz dieser teils unglaubwürdigen Figurenzeichnung and der allzu routine Rätselei gelingt “Double Exposure” Merkenswertes: The Handlung is exciting. If it is only one thing, then there are many characteristics that are so often skittish that man is more than his inheritance might. Zum others have “Double Exposure” in a series of beautiful feature films that offer a powerful and exciting moment. The emotional Wucht of the Vorgängers did not appear in the sequel.